Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.' 5. An Expofition upon the Book of J OB. Verl3 i. 179 who is all ffrength needs not truft. As he doth not put truft in hisSaints ( Verf, 15.) becaufe he knows they are frail and mutable : to he háth no need to trull them, becaufe he knows himfelf not only strong , but immutable. God is all that he is from himfelf, and therefore he ever continues tobe what he is, by himfelf. But man who is not a fpring to himfelfof Being, cannot be afupport to himfelf for the continuance of his Being; much left for the continuance of his wellbeing. And as mans ne- celftie calls him to truft , fo his duty calls him to truft God : Man fell at fitti by his delire to ¡land alone, he would be inde- pendent; and mere fall every day, becaufe they defire to hand by that which cannot (land alone. Ir is a fpecial part of that woríhip which we owe to God, to truft him ; and whatfoever we trust betides God, we make a Godof it, He that truftsnot in the God that made him, makes many Gods (.fuch as they are j by trutling them. While Job puts that negative fuppo- firion (as w his own cafe, Chap,3r. 24.) If Ibave made Gold my hope, or have raid to the fine Gold, thou art my confidence : he more than implyerh that many had. Man ought to truft God, butfew will ; many will trult in Creatures, but none ought Man will be trutting in fomewhat , and he is forward to truli in vanity ( which indeed isnothing ) that is the hardeft thing in the World to take him off. We cannot prefs either our felves or others too much,to truft God, and we cannot reprets them enough from trulling vanity : Man is very ready to:ex- ercife and put forth an as of fruit , and he is as ready to an- Bake the objef;t of truft, Laftly Obferve. (Alan isapt to truff that which bathdeceivedhim; or man be- ing once deceived, truffi that which will deceive him.again. Let not him that it deceived fruit in vanity : We fay , Such a man hath deceived me once, but he /ball not deceive me thefecund time But carnal hearts being deceived once by fin and vanity, are willing to be deceived a thoufand tuna ; being once decei- ved, they care not how often they are deceived : That of the Prophet is an eminent teflimony to this too much experiment- ed truth(4fa,44.2o.)Hefeedeth on aches;, that is, he is as much deluded as a man is, who eats aches, thinking it to be bread or other good shear ; or his Idol which pronged him great A a 2 matters