Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap. i 5. AnExpofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf.3 e . 3'85 for this unbelief fin could not be bread , much lets ( as it is tomany pleafant bread. Sin would be Gall and Worm- wood in the ailing of it, did we believe , that it will be bit- ternefs in the end. Who would do the work of fin, did he be- lieve that vanity fhouldbe his recompense ? Becaufe this threat is not believed, therefore the Lawwhich forbids fin, is noto- beyed, As Faith is a illicit' to the newMau, fo unbelief is a fhield to the old Man ; as Faith quenches the fiery darts of the Devil, or his allurements to fin; fo unbelief quenches all the fiery darts of God, or his threatnings of punifhrnent. Tufh, fay they, We (hall never fee Sword nor Famine, we deed not fear ( which is fomuch talked of) Death or Hell : VanityThar. not be Our recompense; There is a third reading of the Text : The former word Ra b. which we render Vanity,is tranflated by fome ofthe Rabbins, expien er.iae, Equality, or a thing that is equal, the latter, as we,a lye, or Va- pro aq"sli Jett nity. This varies the whole (Train of the Verle, and yet the Naucredar Expoiìtiongiven upon it is clear both to the general fcope, deceptco elf and to the fenfe given immediately before. Let not him that is pa 'en femper deceived, believethat he (hall be always equal , orof thefame e- & jui ftmilent fíate, for vanity (hall be I is recompense. He thinks to carry it fare jbi /}arum, fmootbl and with an eatátt third, but he is deceived. Things will pel rodeo fern y> > per mcdo tea not always (land at the fame point and poize withhim , and frbicelfar,,,, therefore let him not feed himfelf with groundlefs aery Mere. hopes, that they will : His affairs will not always have the fame face, nor bear the fame afpeá toward him ; now they Emile and lock pleafantly , but anon they ,will frown and look fowr. Lately, Keeping near the Came fcnfe 1h11 ; the words are Nmcredet thus eradiated ; He that is deceived , will not believe the right v bo word, or the wordof truth, but he will believe a lye inffeadofit : Pie"'-red tendaefiime. As if Eliphaz had thus fchool'd and caution'd yob, Ihave told tit loco eju+. you this asfrom God; but I know be that is ( as you are ) milled, S agn.q.d. quz anddeceived, will not believe the wordofGod, who cannot lye ; he errat nsn cre- willbelieve a lye rather. As the carnal heart changes the glory clef ,febore. o of God into a lye , fo the truth of God into a lye , or em- m;feclunt io- braceth a lye for truth ; he that believed not the right word, co ili:ar4,&,4oc will loon believe that which is wrong. As they who receive Pao credit, not the love of the trasth-, are (by the ju(l judgment of God ) givenup to f%rong de!ufions, to believe a lye : So alb are they, B b whc5