Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

186 Chap. 15. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B, Verf.32 who receive not the truth. As the not doing ofgood,is not on- ly it felf an evil, but leads us alto, or lays us open to the do- ing of many evils, yea, of any evil : So the not receiving of truth, is not only an error, but it leads us allo , or lays us open to the receiving of many. yea, of any error. Eliphaz having thus preffed his dehortation upon lob not to trult in vanity , left he finde vanity the reward and re- cornpence of that unholy faith and truft ,.proceeds yet further to prefs his dehortation by the fame argument for the matter, though varied in the manner of expre(fion , in the begin- ning of the next Verle. Verf. 32 It(hall be accomplifhedbefore hit time, &c. Thete words.are a ftrong enforcement of the motive laid down in the former Verle , Let not him that it deceived truff in vanity : Why, what ifhe do ? Vanity (hallbe bit recompence : That's the ¡it'll part of the motive. The fecond is, tr nondiefito Veit; 32 . It fhall be accomplifbed before hit time : What fluff eorrplebitur. be accomplifhed ? There is no exprefs Antecedent in the He- wont. brew; we may underftand, either firft, the life of the wicked t:ortplere ante man himfelf, ofwhom Etiphaz had before difcourfed : Or re- diem, &c. e'l condly, the efface of the wicked man. Or thirdly , the de- potí:a perire figns and plots of the wicked man. 'Taking in all three the rquom ullum meaning is, That himfelf; and all that hehath gotten and all .omplementum g p- ,rf,a. that he lath projie'ced , Shall be accomplifhed before hit time r7emaccipere. and what's this but vanity for his recompence i'itte To be accomplifhed before the time, is not to beaccomplithed Inrq p1 °dies at all,_ it notes rather perdition than perfection. The word uw, peribir,ut which we tranflate to accomplifh, fignifies alto to cut of, as we fit;,,,r!rï a put in the Margin of our Bibles, It /had be accomplifed, ór cut fuc,ido. offbefore his time : The Vulgar tranflation fills'up the fenfe ru z,isi - thus, Refire bit days can be filled, he(hallperifh. ;ura praveni, As the Relative looks to the wicked man himfelf, 06- erurielgla ferve. lo,vçl mob.), An untimelydeath is theportion of a wicked man. He (hall bé val aliqua aria } f l(. iieicnracau- accomplithed in a day that is not his , or before his proper fa. Indie non day; In oppofition to which, Eliphaz ha'd=promifed, Chap. 5. irnpleblturfe. That a Godly man [hall come lifeafheaf of Corn into the Barn, tulchrw.n e1u1. fully-ripe e Now faith he , This wickedmanfnatl be like un- targ. timely fruit , accomplifhed , cut off, and perithing before his- time.