Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

83 Chap. í$. An Exrofition upon the Rook of JOE. Verf. rq, But when the fence of what a carnal! man would have, is loft, his confidence is alto loft, when the one goes, the other flays not long behinde. If ourconfidence be rooted in the earth, 'tis no wonder, if it be rooted up. Where the wicked mans confidence fpoken of in this Text was rooted, will appeare yet further from the next enquirie. i Iis confidence Jhall be rooted cut. Whence? from what ground, where was his confidence roe- ted ? The text faith ; Out of his Tabernacle. The Tabernacle undergoes here a threefold interpretation, Firft, Some conceive that this Tabernacle is his body; He trufted much in his flrength, in the ftrength of his body, as much as in any other ftrength. Now ( faith he) his confidence (hall be rooted out of this Tabernacle ; he thought he had much ftrength, fuch a good conftitution of body, that it would have flood like aCaine againft all batteries ; but it proved a aber nacle, whole flakes are quickly pulled up. The body of man is compared in Scripture to a Tabernacle ; And the Septuagint Rumpatur de .clearly adhere to thistranflation rendring it thus ; Health /hall tabernacolo AG be brob_gn offfrom his Tabernacle; that is, his body fhall decay. fanitas. Sept: Paul ( z Corinth. 5.4.) wee in this Tabernacle groaner That is, in this body. //hall"bortly lay down this Tabernacle, faith Peter, (zEpift. I. 14. ) that is, my body. TheLord Jefus while hewas in theworld didbut tabernacle with us a while ; The Word was made fled, and dwelt among .u4,( Joh. r. 14.) He dwelt amongft us as in a Tabernacle. The body is called a Tabernacle; fir4, 'becaufe it is weake; fecondly, becaufe it is moveable : Wken a Tabernacle is repor- ted for ftrength or continuance 'tis extraordinary. (1 fai. 33. 2,o.) Looks uponSion the Citie ofourfolemnities, thine eyes/hallfee erufalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that cannot be removed, andtheflakes thereofcannever be takenaway,neither"hall anyofthe coards thereof be broken. This is a orange kinde ofTabernacle, thisTabernacle may goe for a houle, yea 'tis better then any houle, a Tabernacle that fhall never be removed. TheProphet fpeakes thus by way of oppofition to commonworldly Taber- nacles ;