Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18. e4n 6xpofrtion upon the 73aokof J o B. Ver(, r5, Therefore, thirdly , It is concluded that by his companions are meant fach as fometimes dwelt about him or neere him Tholeneighbours, whom he living had oppre(led, and wrong- ed, vexed, and exputfed out of their dwelling, even they (hall comewen he is dead, and take poflefíìon of his dwelling, they !hall enter upon all. Mr. Calvin, tranflacion comes neare this explication ; He that is noneofhis /hall dwell in his tent; He jgnes tholewords which we let laic, ( and render Becarefe it is none of his) to the firft part of the verfe, and gives them not as a reafon why evill fhould dwell in his houle but as a defcription of that perfon, who (Moulddwell in his horde; He that is none ofhis fhe:dl dwell in his tents; that is, the man that had nothing to doewith him, or was ameere ftranger to him, (hall come ,and dwell in his tent. As ifhe had faid ; Neither his wife, nor his children, nor any of his kindred Ad pofeJ e what he bath purchafed, ftrangersJhadl take it, anddivide it among themfelves ; he that is none of his ¡hall dwell inhis tent. And that's the judgement threatned, (Dept. 28. 30, 31.) Thoufbalt build hassles, andfhalt not dwell therein; thou (halt plant vineyards, and not gather the grapes thereof ; thine oxe fhallbe Elaine before thine eyes, and thou /bait not Bate thereof. hisa great evtil when he that is none ofours, that is, a meere fit-anger dwells inour tents, and eats up thofe good things, which we pro- vide for our felves and families. Thus the Lord tells the Inhabi- tant ofMare/bah, that he will bring them anheire, (Mie. r. 1 S. ) and who was this ? not oneof their blood and linage, but a Iran- get, the Affyrian (hould be their heire, and make himfelfeLord by the fword of all their podlefltons. Secondly; We may carry the interpretation more generally. For feeing that the punifhment of a wicked man after death is here defcribed, themeaning appeares thus ;; It Ad dwell, etc. That is, deftruíllion ormifery 'balldwell in hishoufe. We reade be- 1Iabit.:bit in fore, De/truelion!hallbe ready at hisfide; now, Itfha& dwell in his seenttar>eten re- houfe. As ifhe had faid ; thedeftruc ion and mifery I fpeake of, run, interittu. fhall not onely'be perfonall, and fall upon the wicked man him- Tlteod: ' felfe ; but it (hall be, as it were, hereditary,it {hall defcend and fall upon the head ofall thofe that belong to him ; mifery shall ínha. HabiraAír in bit his faire Pailaces. tentorio eJerr Another keeping this way of interpretation, fixeth it thus; omor. vatab: Feare,or the King of terrour, /ball dagll in his Tabernacle But whe- ther awmownmpnimmoninniNIMMIKA