Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18. .414 Expofition upon the Bookof I o B. Verf. r5. 105 other men ; that is, the bread to which they have no title : as our fweat and labour are the bell fauce to our meate, fo the price which we muff lay downe for it elfe it is none ofours. Indeed a man may be unable to worke, much more to fweat for his bread, and yet the bread which he eats may be his own. Such a one bath a right to every mans bread , and every man is bound in that cafe to relieve him. 'Tis Idlenes , not inabilitie, which is the theefe. But he that bath abilitie to labour in his calling, and is idle , all the bread which he eats is ifollen, 'tis none of his own. Hence we may inferre, if a man meerly upon his idlenes may be Paid to ffeale all the bread he eats as having no right to it, much more that bread is not his own , that is wrung out of the hands , and pulled out of the teeth ofothers. That which is gotten by grinding the faces of the poore, or by doing wrong to the rich, this bread is not our own ; Houles and Lands fo gotten, are not our own. That which is jufflygot- ten is a gift fromGod, but that which is gotten anjuífly, is flolne from men. Deceiving is theeving. Secondly , obferve; That which is unpuily gotten, ¡ball not be kept. All worldly things perilh with the ufing , but fuch worldly things ufually perifh before we or ours can ufe them. Hence we have that dreadful! fentence, (Yer. 22. 3.) Woe to him that build- eth his houfe by unrighteoufneffe,andhis chambers by robberie,that u- feth his neighboursfervice without wages, andgivethhim notfor his worbke ;thatfaith, Iwill buildme a wide houfe, and large chambers, &c. This woe Both not onely belong to thofe who build houles by that which they get unrighteoufly, but it belongs to all who have any thing in their 'houles which is gotten unrighteoufly. Houfe is not taken flriCfly for the dwelling place, ( though that be a truth) but any thing that a man poffefTeth, or enjoyeth, or is part ofhis inheritance, is his houle. Woe to him that builds a houfe by unrighteoufnef¡e. Why ? what woe fhall beupon him ? This thall be his woe, himfelfe fhall not long inhabit the houfe which he bath built, and the wrathof God thail inhabit it long when he is out of it ; deffruéfion ¡hall dwell there, becaufe it is none of his. Bildad goes further to thew the mifery of this man. Not one- ly