Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

io8 Chap. 18. eAn expefition upon the Boole, of J o E. Verf. t 5. Eli circurrlocu- tío luútst dome- tlicorumin ebitu puris familiar odore' tetro : & fgaol adhibe,.. tium in fgnum marorir ftcut e- tiam pigra ve ff erfumuntur 4 lugentib oi. Aquin: Ad extremam finer is igno.mi- niam pertinet: curb enitn in fu- nere dividi a- raumata crema rentur, hic fue- cedit teteri-isu fulphuris fator. Cater: Toyarn eau. fa cognita ab illo adjudirata furs bona immuttun- tur lifloses ad i-cenapdas 'des sjusin falli per- petuam memo- riam.. Jun:. him at his funeralls. Some of the ancients obferve, that it was a cuflome in times of extreame mourning, to fatter brimftone, and things of ill favour, to afflict the fmell, as it is to weare blacke Garments to afflict the fight. Or the reafon of fcatrering brimftone at his burial], may rather be given as an argument of his difhonour, he being a man whole very memory did ftinkes And therefore whereas fweet fpices and odours are properly burnt at the funeralls of fuch whole names and meinorialls are as a box of fweet oyntment powredout, this mans Tabernacle ( after he is dead,) {hall be perfumed with brimftone ; while he breathed in it, though his manners left an ill favour there, yet he tooke care to keepe it fweet, brat when he bath breathed his . laft, then (according to that which is fpoken Ifa. 3.24. of the proud woman of/frail ) It/hall come to pate that infleád ofa fiveetfinell, there'hall be aftinIse. As he lived wickedly, and dyed miferably, fo he ¡hall be buried ignominioufly. But I rather take the former interpretation, that thisfeatter. ing ofbritnflone, either notes the extremitie of the judgement in general!. Or in particular, that barrennes lhall be the portionof his pofteritie , when once the wrath of God bath feized on and (wept him away. And fo hegives a futabledole to this thirdAl- legorie of the wicked man, profecuted in a legal way , to whole doome or fentence this is added, that his houfe (hall be puld downe, or confumed with fire, that nothing may remaine of him, but a perpetuall execration, ofhis name and wages, Hence obferve ; God hathjudgements ofallfortsandfze:fornick¢,dmen. He hath Sodomes- judgements, filch judgements, as were pow- red upon Södom, for high offenders, for Sodom-like (inners He bath not fpent all his fire and brimftone upon that Citie ; brimflone faalljet befeatured upon the habitation of the wick d. And this notes : Firft, The fuddennefle ofthe judgement. TheSodomites were furprized, when deftroyed ; they expected it not ; The Sun rofe upon Sodom , faith the Text, there was not a cloud threatning raine, they did not, fufpect a fhower of water, much leffe did they fee a cloudor fufpedt a fhowreof fire and brimftone, when Cod deftroyed thee, Secondly,