Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18. efln expofition upon the Boom¿ of J o B. Verf. 16. ;.econdly It notes the unavoydableneffe of it ; for who is able to withstand burning brimftone, or to withdraw from that calamitie which drops from heaven. Our houles may fh -Iter us when it raines water, but when it raines fire, our houles are no fhelter. Thirdly, It fh ws the immediatneffeof the judgement ; The Text faith oneiv, that brimflone fball be fèattered, but by whom., it faith not ; ifno hand of man appeare aga;n(t the wicked God. will ; when none can deal,. with them, God can. God onely ap- peared in the deftru&..onofSodom, and Cfomorrah. All creatures are as ready at Gods call for thefervices ofwrath and vengeance, as of mercy and falvation If he doe but holdup his finger fire and brimdtone are at hand to confume, as fhowers ofraine to comfort the habitations of the word. Thus much of the third Allegorie contained in thefe five verfes The wicked man was áirit apprehendedby the meffengers ofdeath, and then brought to death that Kingof Eerroars; being dead. h,s goods are con- fäifcare, others enter upon his eftate, and brunitone is fcattered. onhis habitation. Here's compleat wrath and judgement in per- fe&ion. Verf. i 6. His roots ¡hall be driedupbeneath, and above fhall his branches be cut off This is the 4th Allegorie, taken from a tree. Men are often in Scipture compared co trees ; all forts of men, good men, bad men are fa compared. Good men are compared to trees flourifhing by the river fide, (PIal. i.) Wicked men are allo compared to flouri(hing trees, but with this difference, they flouri fh onely for awhile ; but godly men are as trees that flou- rilh continually, ('fal. 92. 14.) They shallhillbringforth fruit' in oldage In this Text the wicked man is compared to a tree ; and he is compared to a flourifhing tree, he bath both root, and bran- ches, yet he is neere declining, yea he is not farre from de- ftroying. His root fliall be dried up beneath. He had aroot ? what was his root ? The roote-of this wi*ked: man, may be taken twowayee.. Firft "),