Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

x6 Chap. 18. ern Exp+ftion:spon the Book, of J o B. .Veri.r7 rP z'aErdic6t name. The Apoftle (Rom.r.t. ) is conceived to advance the 5t`0 { "car;'s honour ofhis Apoftlefhip, when he faith, Taut called tobean A- Apolfolus, ?. c epoffoisu ills poflle. So we tranflate it, called to be; the Greek is,`Paul called an ro rfia: , e 1poflle: that is,patsl whofename is Aptftle. Whichmay be to cetr tH xt e ken according to this hebraifine, as a vindication of himfelfe ge íum ex from that dif-repute which was caft upon himby many among ez`ï!.ate non f od.`isare the Romans. Therefore (faithhe )Paul named an Apolite, ór, he n fie, el c'ntemp- that berth this honour to be an Apsflle writes to you. Paul was not uvr.'e. Pined. ambitious of his own honour, but zealous, left the Golpel which he preached fhould be contemned through the contemptiblenes ofhim wholeoffice and charge it was to preach it. In the Text,His remembranceJball peri/h; is theefore put before he fhall have no name ; becaufe aname is that by which we are remembred ; The name of a man is his memoriall. See both joyned together concerning God himfelfe (Exod. 3. r 5. )Thus thou jbalt fay to thechildrenofIfrael,The Lord god o fyour fathers, the GodofA'braharn,thc God ofIfaac,and the Godof 7acob,hathfent me no toyru: this is myname for ever, and this is my memorials-unto all Generations. That is, by this name I will have a memoriall, orbe remembred to all Generations. Aman ofno nanee,and a man ofno number, areproverbialls for aman ofno efleeme. He fball have ni name in thefiner. Super facial: in the face ofthe flreet ; fo faith the Originali : that is, among plated. Beb. men he shall have no name : men meet in the ftreet, in publick s pe'ft °1es ex' places, there they tlifcourfeboth ofthings, and perfons. This Kg; rer fades man fha11 have no name there or if he be there fpoken of; ( as oneorthe Ancients gloffes theplace,)men fhall turne away their heads at the mention ofhim ; they (hall turne away with indignation, as if an ill favour diftempered the ayre every time be was fpòken of. Hence note It is the punifhment ofwicked men to have their names dye when they dye, much more while they live. A good name among men, is a great bleffing : and hence it is a- g,eat fin to beare fa lfe witneffe againft another, becaufe that takes away his good name. A falfewitneffe fpeakes to the dif- credit of his neighbour, and fets a brand of difgraceupon his 'name, if a _good name were not a precious commoditie ;:ifto be