Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. a g. An Expafition upon theBook; "of j C) B. Veri 3. but fpeake much and 'oftenofthat, which grieves us much. Fourthly, One of the Rabbins fpeakes meaning thus ; Ohfinnatir s,u1- re are not afbamed to hardensyour faces againfl me;He that hath no rum in me. compaffion towards man, hardens his face as ,well as he that h66:T,,E iiitt - bath no repentance towards God. He that hardens his face `1'-' a ainit a man, bath alto hardned his heart The (hew ofthe Irdxrari eríris g , nrbr. Mons, countenance ratifies the frame of the Spirit. Aman doth not ( ufually or naturally ) looke or fpeake hardly till he thinks hardly. Thus Montanus tranflates; re are indurateagain me ; and foMr. Broughton ; Butyouhardenyour felves againi me,_pee take no pity ofme. A fifth reads ; re oppreffe me.; th.e Seventy,.' e load me,ye lie. Opprimirir me, hard on me, or, ye are not afiàmed to layyour wholewaiQht upon vPdg. roe. +nxsre pop Once more, others deriving the word from a roote which t Ç+S . má- bath three fi nifications ; apply them al'three to this place. Sept. Firft To digge, making the fence thus ; e arenot afbamed to 71 dig me ; that is to peirce, and wound me ; So the fufferings of Chrilt upon the Croffe are prophetically defcribed ( Tfal.2a. significai,: 16.) They pierced(or theydigged )my bands andmyfeete. a Fodete. Secondly, To make afeaft orbanquet. So'tistiled (2Kings 6.. a 1nJfivùrn. 23.7'4 4o. 3 ) and then the fence appeares thus ; re arenot Enure vet afbamed tofeaft Hpon me; Thatis, to make your felves merry with carrporrarí. my forrow, to feed uponmy troubles. What he fpeakes at the twenty- fecond yerfe of this Chapter, hath force correfpon- dence with this reading ; re are notfatufied with hisflefh ; As if he had fad, The for'rowes of my flefh, or myoutward fufferings are not enough to content andfill you, and therefore youceafe not to fill my foule with forrow. Thirdly, The word lignifies to buy, to barter, to bargaine and fell for gaine : and then, this is the fcope rfhis proofe; re are not Caun panari. rser eff abu;i afbamed to make rrerchundize ofme ; That is you draie with'me, oglio adfüam as with a man whom you mightufe at pleafure, as ifI were to .eeriam votap- - be bought and fould at any rate, as ifI were °o contemptible, totem vel cent- and of fo cheape a credit, that I were fit onely to ferve turnes r`'o'146' Çoc. or an object for every one to play upon. We fay ofa man that is abufed, or wronged, either thorough treacheryor revenge, eyther to make fprrt or profit for others ; This man is bought and forsld ; every one makes bis.advantage, and takes his' penniworths out ofhim. X All I53