Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap, co. An expoftion upon the Book of JOB. Verf. 5 temptation which bath prevailed againft thy brother, and cal} himdowse, may prevaile againft thee too, and caft theedowne, Wherefore let him that thivketh hefiandcth ( not infult over his brother that is fallen, but remember that himfelfe may fall, and ) tuke heed left he f111; as the A poftle givesus warning, (I O'or. Io. I3. ) Secondly, Such forget that themlel s have fallen irtoo- ther fins or errors, and poflìbly into the fame : Some who are deeper in fin and error of another kinde, then their brethren in thole charged upon them, or proved againft them, yet can- not containe from over-acing in cenlures upon them. Yea fornetimes they who have fallen into the very fame finne, and have been chiefe in it, will yet heighten themfelves. rig And Ihofe who have finned with them, till they are awakened to confider their owne fin, led. h had defiled Tamar, (Gen.38.24..) yet as foone a; they brought word that Tamar was with childe, bursae her( faith he) to the fire with her prefently. Thus be condemned her, being himfelfe guilds of the fame fault. He was a molt fevere judge of that crime in her, for which it doth trot appeare that heever fo much as queftion'dhimfelfe, though the prircipall. \The Scribes and Pharifees (?ohs 8, 5.) haled the poore woman taken inAdultery before Chr;ft, they called for Julice,and urged the Law. Yet it fhould Ieeme that th-y were as bad as the or worfe ; for when Chrift laid, He that without fin amongyou, let himfirft caft a frone at her, they went out one by one, beingconvieedithin their owne confciences, which fe- cretly fuggefted, that they could not throw a done at her for that offence, but they mutt also hit thernfelves. How finfull is ittovexe and judge others for that, of which we our (elves are guilde and have never asked forgivenef e. ß:it fuppofe a man were free from that fpot, which he fees his brother hath taken and is defiled with. Yea fuppofe him as farre from a poflibility of taking a finfull fpot, as the holyAngels confirmed by grace, yet it were finfull even for him to magnifie himfelfe againft tholethat are fallen into fin. Doth God infult over poore fin. ners ? no, he pitties and he fpares them. The Lord dothnot magnifie himfelfe againft any who are 'fallen, unle& fuch as being fallen, rife up and magnifie themfelves againft him by their impenitency and prefumption. Now;dothGod, ( againft whom