Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. t9. An Expofition upon the Book of JOB. Verf 5. 171. whomman offends, when he falls ) pity him, and Beale ten- derly with him, and .faall man infult over an offeneling bro- ther? It is Our dude, to bewaile and pray for thole that fall, to help, and counfellThemup againe. To bleffe God who hash kept us from thofe fnares and temptations, with which, as we fee others are, fo our felves might be overcome. Such thoughts, will keepe us from fwellin s' and felfe-magnifyings agatnft Mar brethren, though they have erred, yea though their errour remaineth with them. 'Lyemill magnifieyour(elves againji me. Andpleadagainfi me my reproach. Some render the whole verle thus ; Should you magnifieyour tn`"ePc: felves againfi me, andplead reproachfullyagainfi me ? you fhould bnitatúfplrjru not ; 'cis not onelybefide,but against your duty todoe fo, Hence note ; We may reprove but not reproach anerring brother. We fhould have a refpeec to the credite ofour brother, while we are redifying either his confcience or his converfation, onnú regreta "- and while we take care to fave his foule, we mull not be care- fi vacate de. bct corturrelia. leffe ofhis name, or defrroyhis reputation. Reprehention fhould notfavourof reproach. Our zeale for God muff be mingled with pity towards man. The Apofr:e gives that rule ( Gal. 6. i. Brethren, Ifa man be over-taken in a fault, you that arefpirituall reflere fetcha one ; ( let him in joynt againe. How ? with a rough hand ? No, ) with the fpirit of meeknefe, doe not plead againit him his reproach. Doe not charge his fin upon him; as if his fin were not common to man ; doe it confadering thy felfe lc fl than al- fo be tempted. Deale clearely, and fait!: fully, hut notreproach- fullywith him : Reffore himwith the fpirit of meeltneffe. Paul was unwilling to deale feverely with the faulty Corinthians ; and therefore he, as it were,puts it to their choice, and even begs ofthem to prevent his comming among them with a rod in his hand; (r Cor. 4. 2,1. ) what willye ? full 1 come toyouwith a rod orin lye, and in thefpirit ofmeekneffe. Now furely, he that was unwilling to chaflen them with the rod of reproofe, had no will to fringe orbite them with the Scorpion ofreproach. Againe, Reproach may be taken for afidion, it felfe ; And then the fence rifeth thus, as if he had Paid ; Suppafe Ihave er- 7 a red