Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap.a9. tn Expofition upon the Took of J 0 B. Ver17. poore and dffIreffed fpoake, many turne away their care, or mitre- a- deafe care. And there are ( upon the matter ) the fame reafons why the counrels of God, and complaints of the poore are rst beard. God, commands both, and the heart of man natu- rally lk ithraw s from the command of God con Man ns much as from that command which immediately .coacernes. himfelfe. Againe, They who heare thecounfels ofGod, are more en- gaged to 'obq them, and walke up to them. Many could be fwift enough to heare, as the Ap afile 7ames,exhottqChap;I: 19.) Went would ferve the turne, but they are flow to doe. Barely to heare the found of words, is no great burden to the care, and 'tis none at all to the heart ; but hearing carries anobir- esarion to pa,aftife., yea, t') heare indeed is to pràdife ,; and therefore counfel is not heard. So, hearing the complaint of the poor, .. ingageth tO relieve and helpe them, to fupply their wants, and redrefle their inju- ties, yea, to heare their cry indeed, is to relieve and helpe them ; therefore they are not heard. WhileSolo*on.inhis'Booke of Proverbs fhewes the danger of nothearing the cry of thepoore, he all() implyes the commonneffe of it, ( Pro.e. .1 )440.ft floppeth his cares at the cry ofthe poore, ht alfo (hall cry himfel fe, but Platt not be heard. He that hath a thine inhis heart, or whole' heart is a Done, hath all() ( as we fay ) Woolf in his cares at the voyce both .ofGod and man. Secondlynote ; Not to hearken to thofe that Pry eat ofwrong, io veryfinfull, avery crying, fix. God in judgement burdens them with oppreffions, who negle& the cry ofthe oppreffed the greatnefle and provocation of the fin, may reade in the threats denounced ap,ainifit, and in the judgements executed upon. it is not enough ( though it be more then manycan fay ) for a Magiftrate to fay by wayof challenge ( as old Samuel did, ( a Sam.12. 3. )-Wh,rn have lop- ?relied unleffe he can alfo fay, when did 1 wa heart, the cry ofthe eppreffed ? It is indeed moft Pinball to mak.: the poore cry, but not