Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

iM 20 Chap, i8, expofition upsn the Boob, of Jò E. Verf, eilnd Jball the rock be removed ? No fuch matter; how high fo ever thy thoughts of thy felfe are, Or how neceffary fo ever thou conceiveft thy felfe to be, to the flooding and continuance of the world. Yet know, the xpontu; }P word (bail continue v, hen thou falleft, yea there íhall not be Ljptoren, Or the lealt ftop obferveable in the whole courfe of nature, when minsu obenur thou haft paid thy debt to nature. Not onely (hall not the rocks gtaam rnrzltgt be removed, but not a hillock, not a peble-flone fl;all be taken Viso. Males 'ioriarir num out of its place, though thou be took and hurled out of thine. , proper hoc Indeed the world is indebted to Jefus thrift for its cor:fifenee, nlunds ur't e the earth had been forfaken, hadit. not been for hirn,and the rock turbabz(u1,?"ra' had been removed ont ofhis place. But the belt andwifèlt ofmen nee our mon,i culurvet caIn. may be fpared, and no great hurtdone. lus`es loio/úo , Secondly, For the clearing of this obfcure 'pafïage, we are dimcvebi.tur. to recall to mind, that the irate of:tl,e controverfie between ?ob and his friends, was about the providence ofGod,, and thedif penfations of juftice:. His friends faid that good men receive good at the hand ofGod, and evill men evill. Hence they had all along charged yob for a wicked man, for an Hypocrite; be- caufe he fuffered fuch things. Now for as much as they afferted, that God laid evill upon evill men, and withal! obferved that lob was foimpatient under his fufferings, tearing, himfelfe in anger, lac fenten,ia, as if he had fuffered unjuftly; therefore Bildad (peaks thus;, 1,46i aÑverfra- Shall theearth beforfakenfor thee ? or Jball the rockbe removed out teràccuiunr p,® peccaw f ima of his place ?: That is, doeft thou expel that God for thy fake eft,,cut terraet íhhould change that courfe which he hath felled as firmely as the, rupe;, nomquid rocks, or asthe earth ? Doeft thou think to make God alter the rrgo Poterli re- method, eitherofhis Jut}ice, or ofhis providence ? Thou may- d¡ eft as well hope to turne the motion of the Sun, that the earth t&!K Ci7friltatt0° net. Aquin. shah be. forfaken, and the rocks removed out of their place, as Per u)6Deus to expeet this. Friend ! doe not you think either to juftle or.dif efï intelligendur, pate God out ofhis way. Hence i,nr':urá- Thirdly Some Interpret the. loft claufe of God himfelfe, diin in y p' , ,ga imm,tisa- who had determined to chaftife.the Gnfullnefhe of?06;,` Shall the xi neg;comma- rockbe removed, out ofhis place ? i. e. Shall god ? God is often uendama loco called a rock inScripture, a rock is-the Embletne, offtedfaftneí%. Dao.i. nab. Doeft thou think. to removeGod who is ftedfaft as a rock ? or to ßáy, Varab . Numdeoee prep.. put him befides his purpofeby thy crying,out ofoppreilioni or . ter mint chi, crying up thine owne,innocency. }or,fhame.giveover. 4 Eourthly,