Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

C hap. I ?. An expofition upon the Book of fÚB. Vert' kinde of ftrength, is ftrength with a paine; When a man gets and maintaines what he bath gotten by fin. And there are non; who have had fo much paine with weakneffes, as force in all ages have had with ftrength. The Reps of his ftrength /hall be' ftraitned. Straitned J To be ftraitned in common Scripture- phrafe, fignifies onely to be afidfed ;;Mr. Broughton renders it by the word diftreffed. ; His violent paJTages are diftreffed. And hence Chrift ( Luk 12. 50.) fpeaks of his fufferings, or of the pre- appreheníìonsof his füfferings, what effe is they had upon him; Ihave a Baptifine to be baptized with andhrro am Ifiraitned , till it be accomplifhed. Did not fohn baptizeCiir& in yordan force yeares before ? What was this baptifme ? There is a threefold baptifine : Firft The baptifme of wa- ter ; Secondly , The baptifme of the Spirit : Both thef bap- fifties Chrift bath been baptized with : he was plentifully bap.. tized with the Spirit, and he had been baptized with water in ?ordan. But there is a third baptifine , that is, the baptifine óf bloud, orthe baptifme of fuffering, and that is it, which Chrift fpake of there ; he had not yet been fobaptized, drenched, or wafhed in blood, in his own blood, as he was Toone after in the Garden, and upon the Croffe. This was the baptifine that he was tó be baptifed with ; And, faith he, how am Iftraitned ? That is, how is my fouleafflicted at the approachesand appearances of it ? How am 1"befegedwith it : for to that the metaphor mayallude. The fame word is täfed ( Luke 19.43.) where Chrift foretells the deftruc`tion of7erufalem ; Thine enemies _Thal! cal a trencha- bout thee, andcompafe theeround and l`epe thee (theywho are thus kept in are ftraitned ) in on everfide. It may referre alto to the flìutting up of a beaft in a pound, or to a woman in travel!, who when her paines take hold upon her,how fore are her f rails? All films how great a ftreffe, and diftreffe was upon the fouleof Jefiiis Chrift; becaufe he had then filch a baptifine to be baptized with. So then, to be ftraitned is to be afilic`led. Outward afflidions are (traits, either upon the body or fiate; and the very fore- fight of thefe put urany to'inward ftrairs And hence (on the otherfide) to be enlarged, fignifies pro. fperitie, or a gopd elute. We have David fo exprefding himfelfe > ( "Pfei