Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

3 6 -hap t 8. »n, E.xpofition argon the 'Book of J ®B. Verf I, bring. the people , and pride himfelfe in the Multitude of that Nation which he governed , and commanded ; this humbled him into a grievous ftrait And what was his {bait It was a hard elation that God put him upon, whether hewould chute pefiilence, or famine, or fword; one of thofe three he muft ; itch a libertie ofchufing is a fad reftraint. Our wills are then bound , when they have a freedo e to make fuch a choice. Thus `David was hampered, when he went beyond his line. Sin will'bring Saints to {traits, much more will it bring wicked men to ftraits. God fometimes brings hisown people to ftraits when they fin, that he may keep them from further fins :.( 1-10":2. 6.) Iwill hedge asp thy may with thornes, and makea wall, (that is, I will bring thee- to ftraits,) that thou Jhalr net finde a path. God brought them into the ifraits of afiiidion , that they might not wander into ,ftraits by rranfgreflion, It is better to be ftraitned with ahedge ofGods making, thenwith a hedge ofour ownmaking. The care of Godmakes a hedge to keep us from fin. Our finmakes a hedge ( not as theefficient, but as the procuring caufe) to curbe our carelefneffe. The word of God is one hedge, his rods are ano- ther. It is belt to. be kept within bounds by the former ;; but 'tis well ifthe latter keepe us in. Againe ; The f eps ofhisffreñgeh/ball befir<tïtned' Note, prickedmen/ball be flraitnedwhen they are in theirflrength,. andjudge themfilve:rfurthefl eijfrom{/rain. To have laid he (hall beftraitned.when he is weake, when he is low, and poore,. hadnot been much : but here he fpeaks of God, aging like God, againft wicked men : when they are in their ftrength, and flourifh, and verdure, and greennefTe, then: they fhall wither, when they thinke they have molt roome, and are at ggreateft libertie, both in their eltates andfpirits, then they all finde themièlves flan up. (as it were) in prifon. There is a Text ( 74 20. 22. ) Which is very cleare to this fence, I will but name it here, becaufe it will come ftiortly to a fuller handling, where Zophar peaking of the hypocrite, faith ; In the fulneffe of his ciencie, he ¡Ball be infiraits, that's an amazing expreflion. Here he faith, thefiep:r ofhisflrength(hall befiraitned ;, that's very much t