Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 18. An Expofition upon the Book_ef JO I3. Vera. 7. 37 much :but'there in thefulnefe of his fufficiency Wild/ be in f rafts. See thedifference between the Saints, and wicked men; between up-right-hearted godly ìnen, and wicked faife-hearted hypocrites. Taal faith (in a higher fence) (2 Car. 12 ) when I am am I.iirong. But when a wicked man is nrong, then he is -weake ; and when hewalkes at large, then he is in firaits ; that is, weaknes furprifes him in his ftrength, and (traits attend his greaten enlargements. TheReps of his (trength,ihhall beßraitned. Thirdly , Notebriefly this ; There if nofrength ofthe creature that can protea itfrom the wrath, orfrom the judgement of god. Let him. Rep as ftrongly as bewill, ifhe be againft God, God can firaiten himquickly : As he faith ofZenacherib ; Iwill put my hooks in his nofe. (2 King. 19. 28.) He thinks himfelfe a Levia- than,who (as he is defcribed,Chap.4 t 27) e/teemeth iron asftraw, and braffe as rotten wood, dartsare counted oac Rubble, he laugheth at the 'bakingof the Speare. One would thinke then that there is no putting of a hook into the nofe ofthis mighty Manner, no drawinghim up with an angle : yet the Lord will put a hooke in the nofeof Leviathan and pull him up with a Tingle hayre, as if he were but a fprat ; TheLeviathans, the Elephants, the Lyons, are as nothingbefore 7chovah.Can thineheart endure ? orcan thine handsbefrong in the days that I Jhall deale with thee ? faith the Lord to /erufalem (ezek, 22. r4.) No ; they cannot. For then theDukes of Edom ¡hall be amazed, the mighty men of Moab trem- bling !hall takehold upon them, &c. acid. t 5.. r 5 Hannah con- cludes in her long ( Sam. 2. ) By f rength no man 'ballprevaile ; mancannot prevaile over other men by itrength much leffe (hall man deliver himfelfe by ftrength from the hand of God. '-iow great foever the tingle or united ilrength ofthe creature is, if it he ftrength againRGod, aftrength of acting again$ the defigne of God forhis people ; fearenot, the Reps of that ftrength fhall be. ftraitned.' It is no matter what the ftrength of any creature is if the nrong God bewith us,he canquickly straiten it. The lops of hisftrengthThal" befraitoed. Andhis owncounfelsfhallcaft him downe. . There are two things by which man fupports hitatfelfe, two: pillars.