Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. t$. eon expsfitisn upon the Book of J o a. `'erf.9. 51 yea Kingdome on fire; or as Tome renda it, till, they blow it up, asahoule or Tower is blowne up by the rviolence of Gun-pow- der. That Citie and State is indeed brought into a mare which is thus blowne up or let on fire by the unquiet breathings and vex- Gx/wffl,nt ay. ings of fcornfuil men. be'n. The word allo fignifies to whiffle foftly, becaufe fowlers and hunters ufe to draw the prey into the danger of the Grinne by a kindeofloft muficall whiffle. And indeed every man is brought Aucuo untur into the grinne or mare by a whiffle, that is, by force enticing fallacious voyce, tempting him to fin. And hence the fame word lignifies both. 'The grinne(ball take him by the heele. The heele is taken foure wayes in Scripture. Tìríf, For the wholebody ; as In the third of Genefis and the 1.6 verle; Thou ¡halt bruit his heele; The Serpent bruifed the whole body ofChrift, or (as foreunderfiand the heele in that Text ) the whole humanity ofChriti, which is but as the heele to his divinity. The divine nature being farre more excellent then the humane, which alone fuffered. For though he fuffered who had two natures, yet but one did fuller. Secondly, The heele is taken properly and firiftly for the low- ea part ofthe body ; 7acob tooke his brother by theheele (Gen.2S. 26.) Thus here. For a grinne is ufually lèt to catch by the heele, not by the head, or other members of the body. Thirdly , The heele is put tropically for the ac`fions and mo- tions of this life, (Tfal. 49 S. ) wherefore Jbould I faare in the days of e-vill, when the iniquities of my ( heele) Jball ccmpafj'e me about f That is, when my finnes or faylings in what I have done, come to my remembrance, or are (battened upon me : every mans heele hath fore iniquitie. As wee fhall have force dirt cleaving toour heeles while we walke in a dirty world, fo there is fore dirt, tome defilement upon all our atlions, which we may call, The iniquitie ofour heele. Fourthly In a tropical] fence, the heele fignifies the latter part ofa mans life, or old age ; fo fore will needs urdetftard it here ; as if the fence were thus ; Though the wicked man profper a great while, the firft, the forepart of his life, yet to- wards the heele of his life, that is , the later end of his life, be- Hz fore