Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22, An 1xpofrtien apse the Booked' J OB. Verf 12. If Ibeheld the Sunne when ití&ned,or the Moon walking inbright neffe, and my heart harkbeensecretly inticed, er mymonthbath kit- fedmy hand, thin alfewere an iniquity to be punifbed by the lodge, for I !horrid have eienyed theGod that it above. That is, if I have been inticed to woríhip the Sunne, or Moon; as ravitht tvith their beauty (for 'cis fo farre from being a fin, that 'cis a duty to behold the Sunne when it fhineth, and the Moorre walking in brightnefl'e, but fo to behold them, as to adore them, or do obeyfance to them, ( which was the cui órne of the Heathen, expreffed it feemes among them by king their hand, as we doe at this day in token of refpeá and reverence to men above us) this is an iniquity, even that grolle iniquity of Idolatry, or worshiping the creature inffeadof, er more then the Creator, who is bleffedfor evermore. Now (I fay) inafmuch as these crea- tures have fo muchof God in them, that many Heathens have rniftaken them for God, how will it condemne us of dulnefîe and ftupidity, if we be not led to God in the knowledge and beholding ofthem ? For as to make these creatures Gods, fo not to fee God in these creatures, is to deny the God that is- a. bove. Thirdly, While we behold the Starres of heaven it fhould exceedingly both humble us and make us thankful!, for whole ufe, comfort, and accommodation in this life , God fet up thole Glorious Lights. God did not make them for his owne efe, he had no needof them, he was from everlafting without anyof thefe creatures. The Starres are nothing to him; The Sunne is nothing to him; yea in that ftate of glory where we fhallinjoyGod for ever , we fhall have light without Sunne;; fo that these lights were made for our oft., and for ours onely while we are walking in the darke vale of this prefent world. Now, while we behold the height of the Starres how high they are,, and confider for whom as well as by whom they were made ;. evenfor us, for poore us, who are but duff and afines : This fhould at once lay us low in humblenefle ( looking upon them as an honour toogreat for us )and raise us up in thankfulnefï'e, becaufe the benefitand comfort ofthem is fo great to us. ,Thus David fpeakes in that excellent prophecy of Chrifl(Wal. 8. 3.) when I confider thy heavens the works of thyfsngers,the Moon,and the Stars,whick then haft ordained,what is man that thouart mind- frill