Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

I24 Chap. 22. ifs Expo¡stionupen theRookof JOB. Verf; 13 sit non ?; vit er fore judgement ; He that knoweth not certainly, can never go nee jlacere judge rightly. lúftice is pieetured blind, in reference to per. PO, 1Cl7Yjç fops but not in reference to things or caufes ; Jufticemuft enim jnii.rn regdritur cog take no notice of this or that ran, whether he be great or lit anti° cauk the, highor low, a neere frier>d or a oranger ; Juftice is blinde as to all there confiderations, and knoweth no man; hut Ju. (lice mutt know every mans cafe and carafe; unleffe man know that, how can he judge ? and if God know not that, how can he judge ? He mutt have light to fee what is done, be. fore he paffe Sentence upon what is done;, therefore, Can ke jadgethrough the darkcloud? Surely he cannot. Thus the. A- theio concludeth indeed ; and thus Elipbaz reprefents lob con - cluding in his ovine heart ; there is not oneíy a great dillance between God and me, not ònely is he in the height of heaven, and I below onearth, but there are many gloomy clouds be- tureen him and me ; As heh high above me, fo there are fuch r goat per ca- impediments inthe way that he cannot fee me. The Vulgar ligniu,a judttat reads, Hejudgeth a4 throughdarkneffe. Now the bell ofSaints god through a glafe darkly, or in a ridlc (i Cor. 13. o 2.) And íccure finners thinke that God Teeth them onely through a cloud darkly or (as Elipkaz fpeaketh) ihrougha darkcloud he knoweth not clearly but dimly. To judge through a cloud, is to judge of things confufedly not difinâly , by guelfe, or conjeaurally, not exa tly or face to face. This is all the fight which an evill heart alloweth God (if he allow him, any) concerning his wayenr nd a&ions. They who doe things which cannot abide the light, are willing to beleeve that all theydoe is in the darke. Theirs are works ofmoral! darkneffe, and therefore they pleafe themfelves with thinking that their works are hd either in naturali or artificiali darkneffe: It is laidof the Lord in Scripture (Thal. 93, 2.) Clouds and darkneffe are rennd about hilt, whilejudgement andrig4hteoufncf e are the ha- bitation ofhie throne; but theft imagine that Godcannot pro seed in judgement and righteoufneffe, becaufe clouds and darknefe are round about him. It is Paid (r Kirg, B.16, i I, 12. ) The cloudfreed lbs bottle of theLord, fo that the Priefscould not /anti to minifter becaufe ofthe cloudier theglory ofthe Lordfit led the bottle ofthe Lord. Then fpake Solon. n, theLordPaid that he ii(ldwell in the tkickdarkercffe. Read exod. 2.0. 21. Dent. 5.22+. Thale