Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

iB lo `- 132 Chap. 22. An .Expofitìon upon the Book tf J o g. Veit 4. 'Jews jrrntia- be Teethour walkings. Therefore it's raid ( Sam. z. 3.) The rinn, pF rn(r, Lord a God, f kn,.n1=dge the Hebrew is, The L rd is a Gad:'f t - j'ti.. ` klowledges; that is, a lehin s fall under hi. knowledge ; he is perfcet in all knowledge's, there is nothing kr,( wable, but the cogn)gini x,n Lord knowes irud b, hire E.ifions are wiQhe.d ; now the weigh. cognhuon.u, rn: ingof eiior s is more ¡lien :IT feting of aetions ;may fee that which they cannot weight. N. n' ighrzh aéìions, th t is, he taken not only the act on it lelfe, but every cacumftance of it into Co t fiderarion ; he takes his ba l nc.s, and tryes fully how mull, each ingredient weaghes, and what it canes to. He weighs whole States K,n. dome¡, iird Nations. So it was laid to the Babi lor.ian M Ana -ch R.lrtfh;zzar ('Dan. 5.26, z7. ) Mene,God hark aumórea thy K ngdome and finifbed it Tekei, Thenart weighed in the ball.rnces, andart foundwanting. Thy counsels, thy polices, thy undertakings, the wholecompaff all the contrivancesof thy Government are weighed and found too light. And as Godweigheth the aftions of Princes, to of pri- vate perfons. (Prov. 5 .a. t.) The wayei ofa man ( that is, of e- very man, even of themeaneeft man) arebefore the Lord, and be pondereth all his pathes ; he puts them into a Baltrance, and Both not only lee them, but ponder or weigh them. David faith of forrewicks d men- tint they weigh the violence of their hand§ . in the earth (Pfal. 58 z. ). though they doe violence, yetthey doe it not violently, but with a kinde of skill and deliberation. They doe wrong and oppreffe with a Chew of Juftice, whereof weightes are the common Embleme. Now as force men doe evill, not haftily, rafhly, or all at once, but give it out by wighr, and with a Teeming gravity and z.ale for Juftice. So the Lord doth never looke over the wa,. es of men rafhly or haftily, but weighs them out even toa graine, yea to, the duff ofthe balance he pondereth all their pathes. That is, he knows them throughout. Therefore Dausd (`Pfat. t 3 9 ) having fpoken much to this poynt of the Ex:ftnefle of Gods knowledge, concludes at the 6 h verfe; Such knowledge to tes wonderfullfor me,it is high Icanna attainunto it. Some expound this Text, rot of the knowledge of God concerning us, but of our knowledge concerning God. Thy knowledge or the know. ledge ofthee if too wonderful! for me, I cannot attaine: -unto it. ethers thus ; Tbio tbj knowledge ( namely that which he had before