Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. An expofition upon the look of J o Verf: 3. 1.29.) That no flefh Jhouldglory ix his prefence,but he that, Lri- eth, let himglory in the Lord. And ( Rom. 3. 19, zó.) The Law convinceth all, That all the world may become guilty before (Jodi therefore by the deeds oftheLaw there ¡hall be no firth juf ifaed in hisfight. Godwill haveevery mouth flopped, or cry guilty, and therefore for any one to open his mouth and juftifie himfelfe before God, is tooverthrow the Gofpel. They are ignorant rf the rig'bteournetfe of God, who goe about to effabliJh their own righte- oufneffe (Rom. r o. 3.) And as God bath no pleafure in them who boaft oftheir righteoufneffe to juftifie themfelves before him, fo Secondly, God loath xo pleafure in them who boaft of their own righteou/neffeand contemne others. Though a man may affect the righteoufneffeof his Converfatíon againft all them who queftion it ; yet God refents it highly when any proclaims their own righteoufneffe to the defpifingofothers. Chrift fpeakes a Pa- rable againft thole (in the 18th of Leekf, v. 9, t o, i i .) who trufed in themfeIves that they were righteous, anddefpifed others. Two menwent up into theTemple to pray, the one a 73harifee,t be o- ther a Publican : The Pharifeeflood andprayed thouwith bin+? /ell, GodI thanke thee that 1amnot as other men are, Extorti,ners, A- dnlrerers, Vnjuft, or even as this 'Publican Here was one that advancedhis ownattive righteoufneffe, and he did it with the contempt ofanother. lam not as tbia `Publican. The Lord takes no pleafure in this, yea the Lord is highly difpleafed with this. And (Ifa. 65. 5.) the prophet reprefents the Lords indignati- on againft this $'harifaicall fpirit in dreadfull eloquence, Stand by thyfelfe, come not near to me,for Iam holier they :bon. Thus they pleaded their righteoufneffe in contempt ofothers. Theft ( faith the Lord) are a fmoake in my Hole (that is, grievous, and dif- pleafi ng ) a ft'reth,ot burneth all the day. Thirdly, Godbathno pleafure at all in any ofcur rizhteoufnefre, either in the righteoufneffeof ourjufification, or the righteoufneffe ofour Bantlifcation, as the haft addition to his own bappinrf'e.The reafon of it is, becaufe (as was chewed from the former Verle ) God is felf fufficient, and bath no dependance at all upon the Creature : So that what pleafure foever the Lord bath in the righteoufneffe ofour Juflification, or ofour Sandification, we cannot put it to this account, that we add any thing to his happi neffe. E a q