Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. az. .4n Expofition upon the Booke of J o B. Vert 5 35 46,) that liveth, and,finnethnot ; Solomon puts it as a parenthe- fis in his prayer, but it is fuch a parenthefis, as hooks in all man- kinde, it takes all in, Who is there that finneth not ? fo (`Prow. 20. ç.) Who can lay I am clean frommy finge ? Now upon this generali ground Eliphaz might fuppofe, Is not thy wickedneiie great ? All men have this in their natureand hall not thou made improvement ofit in thy life ? All menbeing iinfull by nature, art riot thou extreamly finfull in prat ife ? Againe, He might make the fuppofition upon this ground, his prefent condition, or his afidion thon art greatly al- flited, thy affliäions are not of an ordinary fize, or meafure, therefore is not thy wickednefie great ? and thine iniquity be- yond the ordinary meafure ? Upon this common rule he might fuppofe his finvery great; for ufually God doth proportion, and meafureout punifhments by our finnes. Thy fufferings are verygreat, therefore are not thy fins great too ? Thus he might fpeakeconje&urally upon both thefe confiderations ; And yet ifwe confider how pofitively he (peaks of particulars at the 6th and 7th verles, &c : Thou haft taken a pledge of thy brother for nought, andfr ped the naked of their cloatbing, &c. He gives us but too much ground to think, that be did more than barely con - "Jedure, while he fayd ; I.r not thy wickeeinefegreat ? Theword which we render wickedneffe, is by Tome fpecially "Inn 1 malum expounded of that wickedneffe which hash a kinde of impudence to vszHebraa in it, and which doch not onely break, tranfgreffe, or hep over yert:ner aá un. the Law, but fpurns againh it ; every man that finneth hepperh PQ ntta i9Fú, over the Law, over the line, but there are Come that kicke at ir, dentam, contra fume who trample upon it, yea they would deProy it ; fo Tome aquxrn high= the emphafis of the word, omnia con nl Againe, theword is rendred by others as fignifying the evill cant". of punìfhment in this part of the verfe , and not the evill of fin;Ir not thy of ifliongreat,therefore thy iniquity it infinite. The M /ilia in fa- Greek word (Matt1e. 6. 34.) anfwers this, Sufficient to the day cru into elf is theevill thereof, that is, the trouble, and the farrow of it : affil a o, a(ttm- (Amos 3,6.) Is there anyevil! in the City which the Lord bath not na, vexari,, done ? So here, Is not thy evil! great, thy evill of punifhment therefore thy iniquity is infinite. But I rather fix it upon the pit. Rab: Lev: F z former,