Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

;s61% EV,PINZNEINWN A TABLE JJireEing to force fpeciall Points noted in the precedent EXPOSITIONS. A (, While we are unacquainted or t- jleanged fromGod, we áreeflranged from Good.216. Acquaintance with Godbrings inall Good. 218 Adams f n in eating the forbiddenfruit, how aggravated an one particular. 57 Three things in Adamsfn. 706 Sinof Adamfallen upon his whole po,flerity three wayes. 706 Adultery, the!¿nds of it. 575. The ertreame wicÍVednefsof it, fet forth many wape;. 576, 577 Adulterer bath a waiting eye, which implyeth three things. 583 Afliktiort bathmuch infîruiilion rn ot. -I 5 god hathabundance of of liaiou inhis hand. 97. D;fferehcebetween the afiliecións ofa Godly and a wic- ked man. 99. Affli&'}iondoth ufttally Nnrin a -cost Boundance, a great tryall of~' Grace as wetas want,1 5 1 Abundance ofworldly things not to be dej'red, yet may lawfullybe enjoyed. 2,50 Accufa.tion, toaccufe meerly upon ;¡ f- pition very, uncharitable. 83, 84 Acquainting our felves with god,what at is, and thefeveral fleps by which Saints arife to it. 207, 208, 209. ./t twofold acquaintance with God. 21 o. Themorewe are acquainted with god, the more 1 :ke we are to him, 211, No acquaintance with god but by a Mediator. 21 I. We tan have no true peace till we ac- quaint oakfelves with Cdod, 214.