Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

THE TABLE. vent itfelfby complaints ç¡groans. 365. Af3lietions abide long upon Jame who are eminently godly. 338 7he aflliaions óf force exceed 411 their complaints. 309 There are two thing; which agodly man may fee inhis greateft aflli6iions, which are matter of thanks giving. 3i 2. Godfweetefl to thefoul in aflli&ion. 320. Afflt ion drives the godly ne rer to God. 322. Aflliftion a tryall. 380. Atliólions (ore-Lap- pointedbyGod: 444 Godbath va- riety of allk&ions to his hand to eti- 'erci fe his children with. '448 We deferve more and forer aíl1i6tions thenGod layeth upon us. 450. A godly man may be unable to beare a{Aitiiòns any-longer; 459 Altgels, how ina place. 109. Angels Gods Armies or hófl. 69o. Angels how they maybe called the pillars of heaven. .781 Angry difpenfations of God make all tremble. 786 Appointment, howall things are under a di lineoppoiiitmenr, ;hewed byfe- véral ii"nflancer. 445, 446. . rke in which the Lawwas pur,.typed ChrifI. Arnie,in Scripturenotespower. 2. 71 Armies of god, what they are. 6;o. All creatures the Armies ofGodup- on athreefold confaderatton. 692, Alíes, or wildallies, the refemblancebe- tueenthem and the wioked,;hewedin fezerall things. ) ifemblies of the Saints to worfhip, are the droellingplace of god. 49 Ayre, how it may be called an empty place. 754 B: Barren- laud, a turfed land. Sol Beads, evil! menare like. beats, orbea- friall in their d,1110ft-ions andac7ions;. 51.3. Beleever; hebath no:opinion of his own flrength. . 344 Boanerges,, why two of the Difciples calledfo. 824 Body, in what fence ever! fin that a. man doth, except adukery, r9 with- out the body. 58o Bodyes ofthe wicked(hall be naffedtm- mortall,thoatghnot incorruptible.751 Book of the living, what meant by it ad alfo what by the Book which God hath written. 628, 629 Brethren of two forts. 53. Ta doe wrong to, or not to- relieve a brother, heightens thefin. 53 Building,and to bebuilt up,what itjig- in Scripture; 134,135 C Carnalmen, their fpirits are meerly mercenary. 164. They are full of unconflaney. 602 Cenfure; Theheft ofmen may fall tin- der thehafheflcenfures. 3.57 Change twofold made in a fanner by grace. 701 Changesoftimeorfeafon, none beyond this world, 779 Charity mug and will make ventures, 43. Charity sk.acceptol,end uncha- rita