Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 27. Verf. a, 2, 3, 4, 04444.4154144..........+4604546.44.0.44 AN EXPOSITION WITH PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS UPON The Twenty-feaventh,Twen- eighth , and Twenty-ninth Chap- ters of the Book of lOB. JOB, Chap. 27. Vert r, 2, 3, 4. Moreover job continuedhis Parable, andfaid. As God livethwho bath taken away myJudgment,and the Almighty whobath vexed my f®ul; All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my Nofirils ; My lips¡hall notfpeadf wicltednefs s nor my tongue utter deceit. OB having given his third anfwer toBala, his fecond friend, and anfwered him home in the former Chapter, we may fuppofe him breath. ing, paufing, and waiting a while,to fee whether friend Zophar wouldrenew the combate, or undertake the difpute afrefh. But he either being convinced by that evidence of truth, which jobhad held forth,or beinghopeletfe toconvince job, of what he judged the truth, gives it over in the plain field, B fits