Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

2 Chap. 27. An Bxpoftion upon the Book of J o n. Vert. Y. 4 fits down, holds his peace, and forbear's to engage any more in this Controverfie. Now, fob perceiving that Zophar had done,or had nomore to fay, we may fuppofe him making a fecond flop, or Rand, looking whether Elipbaz or Bilelad would re- inforce the battei, or had any minds todeal further with him ; bût they allo ( either fear- ing that they had done ill in (peakingfo much already againu him, or being out of hope to doe any good upon him, how much more or how much longer foever they fhould (peak to him ) drew off too,and laid downe theBucklers. The field being thus quite cleare of all Opponents,not fo much as one appearing againfl fob, he proceeds confidently and paffia- nately in the purfiut and proof of his own Innocency in the five following Chapters ; in which, tho-ow-our, he refutes theopini- on which his friends had of him, and maintained again( him, and fullyvindicates his own much fufpeded and oppofed Integrity. Thus we are at IalI arrived at the end of the difpute between f ®6 and his friends, his friends beingall worfled in that difpute, Whence Obferve, firfi ; Error cannot alwayes bold oat. A. wrong caufe will have the worn i'th' end.Error may wrangle long, but at lei it will have nothing to fay. Truth may be oppo- fed , but it cannot be prevailed upon. Truth is a Conquerour.. ph friends had enough of it ,and law their own mifake, though not in the matter, yet in ¡heir marke; though not in their pofi. tions, yet in their applications. Hence take a fecond Note ; it is beff tofay no more, when wehave [aid enough, or more than we ought. 'Tis nodifhonour to yeeld a weak or wrong caufe. Conten- tion fhould not be a continual dropping. When all bath been faid u to reafoning, what we fay more is but wrangling. foss friends did well to give out, though they did ill to begin. 'Tis not courage, but pertinacy to oppofe the appearances of truth ; and where truth appeares,'cis true courage to refill all oppofers. Verfe r; GI