Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap.27.' An Expofation npon the Book of J o n, Verf.xs. as j come out of the Eafl.`In the4th of fonah (v. 6, 7, 8.) we read of the troublefomevehemency of the Eta-windjonah had ave- ry pleafant gourd,which the Lord gave him as a theater and fliad- dow againa the hear, Bast the Lord prepared aworme when the morning roje thenext day, and it(mote the Gourd that it withered ; and it canoe to paffe when the Soindid rife,that god prepared a ve- hement Eaft-wind, which beat upon the head offonah,that hefain- ted and wiped in himf lfe to dye. MGod prepared the Gourd to comfort fonah, fohe prepared a vehement Eta-wind to vex fo- nab; and the Eaft- wind vexed himmore than the Gourd com- forted him. It is faid of Ephraim ( Ho a 3. t 5, )Thoughhe be fruitftell among his brethren, an Eaft-wind (hall come, the wind of ;heLordfhall come upfrom the wildernefje, and hisSpring (hall be. come dry .We are not to take the Eall-winde in the Prophet pro- perly, but metaphorically, and fo the Ea(}-winde, notes any evitl orafflktion,which as a vehement and fierce wind bectes upon us, anddif urbs us. Affligions are compared to water,and afllio}ìons are comparedto winde ; any thing which hath any trouble and annoyance, any thing which hash force and violence in it may beare a fimilitude to affliction ; and fo the Eta-winde, wherein all thefe concur, cloth fully beare a proportion of likenefs with afflic° ion, or any Judgment feat out by Cod again(f finfull man. The Eaft-wind carried, himaway; The word here ufed fignifieth to lift or take up aloft in the lyre ; ftrong windes have a mighty force, they fometimes¿over- KfUZ toilet,of. throw lofty Towers to the ground, and fometimes pull up high- ferer fubliwem, grown trees by the roots, and make heavie bodyes move, yea ibla urn ex. mount into the aire. Thewicked man of whom fob difcourfeth, feemed tobe wel rooted like a tree, & foundation 'd like a tower in the earth, yet here is a wind that pulls him up, that bJowes him down, and carrieth him away. But whither cloth it carry him? Ianfwer, it carryes him into a miferable condition, that is the general ; and wemay fpecificate or put it into what particulars we will. As ,fira, it carrieth him (poffibiy ) into a land of captivity and bodily bondage ; fecondly, it carrieth him into a land of fcarcity and bodily want; thirdly, it carrieth him into difgrace and infamy, his name mall be xemem- bred