Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

aeaz Chap. Io. An Expoftion upon the Took of Jo a. Vert; it. for us. The Lord tells Eli by a Meffenger ofhis own, a tan of God (r Sam. 2. so. ) Them that honour me, Iwill honour ; that is, I will honour themmy felfe,and caufeothers tohonour them,. ( God gives honour to the creature by thecreature) Bra he that defpifethme (hall be lightly efteemed ; that is, I will efleeme him lightly my felfe, -and -cattle others to efteeme him lightly too.; ifGod efteeme a man lightly, he (hall not continue long in any mans eflimation. What good foever we hold, we hold it by holding in with-God. Let us take heed of provoking him to loofeour, cord, for then every - bridle will be let loofe before us. He bath loofedmy cord, and affli(ted me. I have fpoken oftenofaffli&ion, and (hall not adde any thing about it here, but inconnec%on with the words which gotbe- lore and follow. Whence note; 'Firft, To loefe refieil and reverence among men, efpeciallyfor a Magifi'rate to loofe it ie agreat afiitlion. 'Tic an afíli&ion to parents and mailers to loofe their reverence and refpeâ among their children and fervants ; And 'cis fo to a Magiftrate when he loofah due refpeâ among his fubjeâs. Honour thy father, and thy mother ( whether natural! or civil!) is the firft commandement with promife; as they fin much who refufe to give this honour, and fo loofe the benefit of the pro- mile ; fo they Puffer much who are refuted this honour,and book thepriviledge of their relation. Againe, Confider the affli&ion in reference to the ¡flue, He kath aflittedme, and they have let loofe the bridle before me. Hence note; They that are aflifted are ulually defhifed. A good man is too apt to abate his value of thole whom he fees afiliâed ; but wicked men (fuch as yob here defcribes) can- not doe otherwífe, they are ready to reproach and vilifie the af- flieted. Such judge the worth of men only by what they are worth ; norknow they for what to honour them, but for their outward honour, their goodly garb and greatneffe in the world; The