Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3o tin Expof:tion upon the Book of J o B. Vert. z t. ro; The purple and fine linnen, the gay cloathes ; and the gold ring let perfons higher-in their eftimate, then all the graces of she Spirit . and where the former are not feene , the latter are not at all efteerned. Jefus Chrift himfelfe, becaufe aftlded and hum- bled, (though he had received the Spirit above meafure, andwas the fairefi of ten thoufand, y'et) was defpifed and rej:fledof men, ( Ifa. 5 3. 1, 2, 3 . ) And'tis a popular errour, that if a min be aftlie ed he is defpifed and re`ec`tcd even ofGod too. Lafily, Whereas ?oh rifeth up to the confideration of God under this dilgrace which he found among men; Hebath lyofedmy cord. Note godly man hakes beyond man to Ged in all the evills and wrongs that he receives frommen. When lob faw his deriders looting the bridle, he concluded prefently that Godhad loofed his cord ; as in all the benefits and 'comforts received from men, agodlymon lookes beyond man, and faith, furely God bath put my cafe into this mansheart, and thereforehe bath (hewed me kindneffe, and been a comfort to me.Thus fpake Paul God that cornforteth thole that are ca,t? downe, comforted us by the coming of Titus ( 2 Cor.7. 6.) He did not fay wewere comforted by the comingof Titus, but God bath com- fortedus by the comingofTitus. It is God who comforteth us by Rath a man, and 'cis God who affli&eth us by loch a man. It thews a holy framewhen we flay not increatures, but are car- ried to God as the Author both of our còmforts and croffes. When Shimei curled David, his fervants flirted him up to re- venge : no, laid he, what have Ito doe wvithycu ye funs ofZervi- ab, %let him curfe,becaufe the Lord bathfail untobin curfeDa- vid. But where or how did the Lord fay that to Shimei ? had Shimei any rule in the word or warrant from God to fay fo ? furely no; The Law of God exprefsly forbad him to fay fo, (Exod. 22.28.) Thou fh.alt not revile the gods, nor curfe the ru- ler ofthy pe.ple. The Lord laid fo, only in his providence, which gave Shimei an opportunity to fay fo, for the tryall ofDavid,as alto a colour to thinke amid was Inch a man as he had laid. Thus the Lord bid Shimei curfe David ; and David fubmitted fo fully to this difpçnfation of Gain giving himcorret ion by Ski-, ?net's'