Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Lïb, Chap. 3o. An E.vpoftion upon the Beek! of Jo a. VerLi3; as he had often protefted in his former Apologies,and will more in the next Chapter, yet his friends judged that he hadwalked in 'very foule wayes. So that, when he complaines, they marre my path. It is as if he had fayd ; They fay Ihave been an oppre(for and injurious among men, that Ihave been a hypocrite , andapre- tender only tozealefor God ; thus they marr'd his path. We have heard lob often troubled andgrieved,that, even chofe grave men his friends fhouid not only be fufpicious of, but use fuch undue liberty of fpeech in afperfinghis former wayes ; and of that he complains here, as the worke of chofe vile persons who derided him. Thefe men who never set foots in a goodway themfelves, judged ill of all gobs wayes. They walked in bad wayes, and they concluded his were no better, yea worfe then theirs. They -more mypath. Hence note ; To fpeake evill ofthe good wayes ofothers, ís to marreandde- ffray their wayes. Slander is therefore a great fin, becaufe it fpoyles or defaceth a mans way, rendring it loch as it is not, and pollutingwhat it is. That which is a way of light, flander makes a way ofdarknes; That which is a wayofpeace and love , hinder makes away of ftrife and wrath ; That which is a way of righteoufnes , flandet makes a wayof Injuftice and oppreflion ; That which is a way ofcharity and pity to the poor; flander and reproach make a way ofbardheartedneffe and cruelty. Asmaul laid to Etyma the forcerer ( Al`ls i 3. i o.) 0 fullofallfubtletie andall malice, wilt thou not ceaje to pervert the right wayes of the Lord? So we may fay tomany fubtle and malicious flanderers,will ye notcease to pervert the right wayes of men ? Secondly , Thefe words end refpett the time to come; And fo his meaning is, as they,fpeake evill of the good which I have -done, and report meotberwife then I have been ; either through ignorance not knowing, or through malice not willing to know what I have done or been ; So they hinder me in the goodwhich I would doe ; I would doe good andbetter,I would advance and proceed inpaths of righteoufneffe and holineffe, but thefe doe what theycan tohinder me ; Theymare gaypath. Hence