Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30, An E:xpofition upon the Booke of J a. Verf. 15. _._.m---- x33 J 0 B 30.., Verf. 15. T'errours are turned upon : they purfue my foule as the winde: and my welfare pa 1èth away as a cloud. N this verte and thofe which follow to the r Bch, inclufivel y, ?ob lets forth,firlt, the trouble that was upon his fpirit ; Se- condly, the paines which were uponhis body ; Thirdly, he gives the fumme of both. The trouble upon his fpiritis expreffdd under the notion of terrours, and the pomring out ofhis Joule upon bim, (y. 15, 16.) Thegaines of his body are defcribed (v. 17, r8.) My bones are pierced in me in the night feafen, and myfinews take ne ref. By the greatforce ofmy difeafe is mygarmentchanged. The fumme or iffue ofboth is fit downe (v. r9, ) Ile bath cafe"me into the mire, and Iam become like duff' and allies. As if he had fayd, what with the terreurs upan my foule, and the paints ûp- on my body, I ambrought to nothing, I am but duff in my con- ftitution,I ambecome but mire anddirt by myafffition... Verf. -r5. Terreurs are turned The Hebrew is, terreurs is turned,th at is;terror of-every kind n ñ%t n:r'7o- and ofevery degree is come and fallen upon me , or bath taken nes. to He holdofme :All things feeme tocenter in this one thing, Mr trou árao , jlwrale or to make me miferal le. mamen cum Terrors are the foreft troublesof the foule in this temporal gelarex e b life, and theyare molt like thofe eternal troubles which poffeffe autdamcH,r dí the foules of thedamned in the next life. And as terrors difcorn- verfnate ene- pofe the mind, and put it out of all due frame and order, fo the rie. scuú. conftruê ion.ofthis text, wherein ?ob complaines of them, is out Anomalia na° ofall grammaticali frame and order. Here being as the learned tnfrlY&c gem., Hebricians obferve, a double anrmolie, or breach of Grammar rules in it. The word terreurs being oftheplural) number, is ioy- ned inconfru&ion with a verbeofthe fingular-number there is alfo a like irregularity in the genders of thefe two words. Asif the Spirit ofGod would hint to us, by thefe irregular and di- torb'd.expreffions, how much difiurbance and irregularity, fuch terroura,