Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

g Chap. 3e. An Expoßtian upon the Rook of jo as. Verf. 16. foule is departed, or fpilt like water upon the ground. So the word is ufed ( Lam. 2. t a.) Where the Prophet defcribing the extreame famine in 7crufalem faith, The children and the !tick- ling!fwoen in the/rests, they cry to their mothers, where is Cerne and wine ? (Owhat a fad Condition were they in when they faid, where is Corne andwine ?) when they (moonedas the wound- ed in theflreets ofthe Citie, when their [Dale was pnwrrd out into their mothers brfome. Poore Children cryed our O where's bread ? Weat thisday have bread enough, and to fp.,re, (bleffed be God) hut it was not fo with 7tru/slew in that day; O nto. mother where's wine ? where's bread cryed the Poore children ? and then they fwooned even as the wounded in the firms, and were ready to powre out their foules into their mothers bo forme ; that is, they wee ready ro dye and expire for want of bread. Thus allò lobs ioule was powred out , he was ready to fwoon and todye ; fo he tells us with much livelines and quick- neffe both of Ipeech and fpirit ( Chap. 17. r, ) My breath is cor rupe, trydayes are exti.ult, ehegraves are readyf.rme. All which expr :fiìons doe but reach this interpretation of his complaint in the prefent text, My fettle is powred out "Innmee. Now though the two former exoofirions of thefe words, as they import ; firft, the u' fetlednes and unrefolvcdnes of 7,,h tpi- rit what to doe, or fecondly, his ft tlednes andutmolt relolu:ion to vent his foule inprayer, that God wosild both Phew him what to doe, and helpe him to doe it in that extrem ty,(though,I fay, both thefe openings ofthe text carry a farce refpeci to it ) yet I conceave this laft or third molt proper and futable to it ; And therefore Hence note. C.Man is apadre fraile creature, a 6ritlecreature, be quickly fayles andfaints under his burden. IfGod doe but touch him, and leave bins under the hand of an aflüâion, prefently he feels his very foule ready to he powred out upon him. The fiefhofman,that is,his natural! cítate as man, is graffe, that is, like graffe; the graffe let alone will quickly wi- ther, but ufually the graffe is cut or eaten downe before it wi- thers many arecropt in their greenenes, or in the height and fluurith of outward .profperiry, their foule is powred our. Man