Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. drs Expefttion upon the Book of J o a, Verf. 16. 159 eillan at heft eflate is altogether vaniry. Which is'both ex- plained and urged further in the words following. The dayes ofafflitlion have taken bold upon mee. Or, afffiEtion dayes. Man bath his dayesofConfolation andhis dayes of afili &i- on, his dayes of peace, and his dayes of trouble, his good dayes, and his bad dayes, in this world. The text may be rendred ei. therThe dayes ofof+(lion (as we) or, as others, the dayes ofbu- milation, the dayes of prefng down, the dales of laying low,( All this the word liignifies) thefe fad and darke dayes have taken boldupon wee. To take bold, is properly the adof a living Creature, of man grN eepit,ap efpecially, when he feizeth, apprehends, or attached) any thing prere.dit,ter - or perfon. And it notes not bare holding, but holding fart and tt>Poffedis. fore ; Mr. Broughton tranflates, Afflittion dayes have caught note; As ithe had fayd, I had hope to escape them,but theyhave been too nimble for me; they havecaught me, as the hound doch the hare, or a tnare the bird. Thevulgar tranflation faith, The dayes ofof tElion have p ffoft mee : Holding notes Having and poffef- fing ; As incur Law- formes ofConveyance or Leafe, Tohave Me tanguam re and to hold, is to p effeffe either for terme ofyeares, or for ever. (ua utuntur dies Thus lob fpeaksas it he had been wholly delivered into the hand & temPona ofafflícaion,and were fully poffeffed by it ; or as ifhe were under mortis. sol1 the dominion, rule,and power ofafflittion, as his Lord and Mo- her. The Seaventy render it fbortly; The dales of , f Ftson bave soir S ícs mee ; they have me in the it power, I am bound under them iìi.c rut bA- our readingactaines the fame fence ; Thedayes of affilUion have our. Sepc. taken hold uponwee. Hence note. Afili'ien bath its day.. The dayes ofaffls&ion are dayes appoynted, dareslet out by God. As therears dayes wherein Goo will have us affíic4 our felves, ( Efay 22. 13. ) In that day the Lord called to mourning, . and tofating,and unto fackcletie,and unto a/hes;that is,The provi- dences of God tohis people in that day hadthar vovee in them, and did,( as it were) Ga11 aloudupon.them, to mourn, to faLF,,