Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

hap. 3o. An Expofition upan the Boeke of Jo a. Verf. 5. 49 goodneffe ofGod in this, had he given us nothing but mallows and'Juniper roots, that diet might have fufficed to keep us alive ; And hemight have required all kind of duty and fervice from us, though he had given us no more, nor no better food then would have ferved the turne barely to keepe us alive, or (aswe fay) to keepe life and foule together. But as the Lord hath not dealt with us according to our iniquities, fonot meerly according to our neceflities; yea he hash givenus full tables,variery ofineats, flefh and fifh, corne and wine, all the good things of the earth, and a5re andwaters are provifìon forus, and ferved up at our Tables. Such is the open- handednes, the bounty and liberality ofGod, that he doth not onlyhold our foules in life, but fwee- tens our lives to us. Surely, if( as the Lord threatned his ancient people (Deut. 28. 47, 48.) we fhouldnot ferve the Lord . ssr god with jlfulneffe andgladnejfe of heart, for the abundance cf all things, he might juftlycaufe us to ferve enemies in hunger and in Ail, and in nakednes, and in want of all things ; even (as the prodigall Son was reduced) in the want of the huskes which the (wine leave after eating, or (as this Text fpeakes) in the want of Mallowsand yuniper roots for ourmeute. Verf. 5. They were drivenforthfrom among men, ( theycried after them as after a thiefe.) This verle difcovers the true caufe why the men before fpoken of, lived folitary in the wildernefs, anddefert places; Their re- retirement was not elcâive, but compulfive. ?hey were driven forth from among men. Theword fignifieth, tobe eje£led or call out as a banifhed tblh Ejecit man, and that not "limply, but with flume and difgrace, yea to expulit, Non repueiate,as a husband purs away adifloyall wife.When Pharoah iMplicem eje- fou ht to flay Mofes becaufe he had [laine the Egyptian, Mo es iii"nern e g 5 f $7P l pulfionem(rgni- fled from the face of Pharoah, and dwelt in the land ofMilianscar feáignomi- ( 2. r 5.) where a fon being borne tohim, he called his nio¡arn. Poprie name Gerfhom, for be laid, I have been afiranger in a orange land rerudiare , us ( v. 22.) Mores was driven out of Egypt by a jufl ferre, left an tl7a "- retus icituxo. unjutt fentence might be executed upon him. Many men arerag,us ;n H driven Gen. 3. z4,