Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

5.6 Chap. 30. An Expofition tapon ehe Booke of jo a. Verf,6. Verf. 6. To dwell to the clifis of the valleys, in caves of the earth, and in the rocks. This firth verle is to be conneáed with the former part of the 5 zh verfe, They were drivenfrom among men, to dwell in the cliffs ofthe valleys The words are a defcription of thofe vile perlons, by the vila dwellings and lodgings which they found in thewildernefre, whither theywere driven ; As he before Chew- ed their courfe diet , fo here their pictifull houles or what a poore fhift they made for houfing. Some have goodly dwel lings in wildernefTes, we read ofwTowns in the wilderneffe, and we have at this day, many Towns in our Forrefts. But as there men in the Text were driven into the wilderneffe, fo they abode there, without any other bode then rush as the wild beafts have. To dwell in the cliffs of the valleys, &c. The word cliff cometh from a root, that fignifieth to break, becaufe a clift is a broken ground or earth ; The earth is fome- times broken by the wind, fometimes by the water , fometimes by the labour ofman ; a shift is any broken or hollow grounds Thefe are called cliffs ofthe valleys, becaufe they are ulually in valleys, or they make a valley where they are ; we may alto ren- der it, Cliffsofthe rivers. As if Yob had Paid, When they c;ald no longer be endured, in Townes aidCities, they [cache tome hole to Spews exca- hide tbemfelves in. Thenatural! Hiftoriari, (peaks of a fort of nano, ha heir men, that conftantly lived in fuch kindofhoufes, thecliffs ofthe lotnas. Plin. valleys, or, as itfollows here, 5, c. de Troglodytis. In eaves of the earth. The word which we eradiate Caves, is fometimes rerdred Holes,(Ifa.4z.2.2.)As alfo,Net-worki,which are full of boles or mefhes, (Ifa. 1 9.9. ) The word is likewife tranflated Baskets (gen.40 i6.) andwe put in theMarginFull of boles. The fence is the fame whether we eradiate eaves or holes cf the earth. The Hebrew in ftriftneffe is, Caves or Holes of Daft. The bed houles, and dwellingsofmen,are indeed little better then holes ofduff But