Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Quef1ions,ai d Cafes ofConfciente about f1ff linons. Chap. 8 and 16. z. and 20. 2. and 21. Of .1faat, Gal. 4. 29. Gen. 25. 35. Of 7acob, Gen. 27. and 34. and 35.22. and 37. 35. Of Mofgis, H b. tI. 25. Of lab, David, Tem. 5. i I. I Sam. 30, 2 Sam. 18. 33. Of Paul, Alf. 9. 15, 16. r Cor. 4. io. &c. and 2 Cor. 4. 9, to. and 6. 4, 5,6. and 11. 23, cc. And its the lot of the whole Church militant- to fuffer affligi- ons, /fa. 41 14. and 54. 11. i Thef. z. 14. The Scripture often foretels the manifoldaffligions of the faithful, Luke 9. z3. John 16. 20. 'Rve1. 3. 19. 2 lira. 3. 12. H:b. 1i. 6, S. t./ais 14. 22. 1 Pet. 5. 9. Io. 33, '34 Secondly, if we compare our li ht and frnall affligions with thofe grievous and intolerable punifhments which Chriftfuffered for us, Ifa. S3. z, 3. Heb. 2.10. and 5. S. Lkc 24. 16. onni S. 3. and 9. 58. Mat. 27.38, (7c. 46. and confider further. I. That Chrilt all thofe mi-feries btin3 innocent, Ifa. S3. 9. 1 Pet. 2. 22. I Iahn 3. 5. 2. Yea, he fufiered them for us who are finners, dead in our fins, children of wrath, and enemies to God, Ife. 53. 4., 5. a Pet. 2.24 3.1 hat we (hall be açiiud ,edunworthy ro reigne with Chtift, ifwe be not con- rent to Infer with him , Match. Io. 38, 39. and 16. 24, 25. Luke 1 4. That God hath pre- ordained thole to be likeChril} in fufherings, who (hall reinwith him in glory, ei'om. 8. 29. t Pet. 2. 21. 2 Cur. 8. 9. Mat. 20. 22, 23. Eiz,hthly, we may becomforted,by-comparin; our affligions with the punifh- ments the wicked, whichChiahath freed us from. For, 1. Thewickedendure many and great miferies in this life, for the attaining of earthlyvanities, J r. 5.9 Hab. 2. 13. i. But efpecially their intolerable torments in hell, do infinitely exceed all the miferies ofGods people ha this world. Ninthly, we may be comforted'if we compare our earthly affli &ions with our heavenly (oyes, Luk, 6. 21. John16.20. Rom. 8.18. z Cor. 4. 17. I Pet. 1.4, 6, 7. i Cor. 2.9. Tenthly, we may comfort our felves from the afhrlrance we have of deliver- ance out of all our alliidions, Pfal. 118. iS. I'fal. 34.17, 19. and X47.3. Hrb, 12.1o. Pfa1. 125. 3. Ifa. 57.16. For, 1. God cakes noticeof all ou: affli,?ions to deliver us out of them, Pfa 1.34. 15 . and 94.7, 9: and 33..1'8;19. 2 P.1.1.9. Pfal. 40.17. 2. God is prefent with us in all our atfli.,tions to help and relieve us, Job 5. 15, 16. and 36. r5. PP/. 34. 18. and is I. 5. and 145. 18, 19. and 91. 14, 15. John 14. IS. Ifa. 43. 1, 2. and 41. io, 13, 14. and 46. 1, 2, 3. 2 Chren. 32. 7, 8. and our God is Omnipotent, and therefore able tohelpus, Pfeil. 18. 31. Ifa. 63. t. Nahum r. 6, 7. Ifa. 26. 4. Yea, he loves us, and therefore will deliver us, Mat. 7. 6. and 32. 9. 1 it. 2. 14. t Pet. z. 9. Jer. 31. 3. Pfai. roi. 13. Ifa. 49.15. and he never fhewes hislove more then in the time of affli}ion, Ifa. 63. 9. Judg. io. 16. Jet. 31.20. Lam. 3. 31,32,33. Mr. Downhams Chriffian Warfare. CHAP.