Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Cep CHAP. VIII. Oue'lions, andCafes of Confcience about the Angels. Quefl FVP `w'- - /,J '- larare Aw,el's? A7 f v. Creared good fpirits fent forth byCod to minit+er for the goodof the Eleâ, and for the pu- nishment of the wicked, Heb. i. 17,14. z Kings 19. Qt e(1. what titles doth the Scripture give to levee ? Anfw. Fiat, they are called fpirits, to (hew their nature, which is fpiri- tual. Secondly, e 4finiffers, to (hew their Office, which is to Minifter to God, to Chri(l, and to the fons ofmen. Thirdly,Men ofGod:So J -,dg.e 3.6,9. The Angel is called a man, becaufe he appeared in the fhapz ofa man : and a man ofGod, becaufehe came from, and was fens by God. Fourthly, Sens of God: So Job I.6. Becaufe they received their being, and are fuilained by God, as alïo for that beingmade after his Image, theyhill re- tain the fame. Fifthly, Gods. SoPfd. 5. s. to fet out their excellency, Pfal. Sa. r, 6. For fo in Scripture- language excellent things are filedGods, Pfal. 97. 7. Sixthly, Cherxbi s, Gen. 3. zq.. £tick. r o. s. which fignifies a Figure ór I- mage : mofl ufually a refe mblance of a young man : for fo they appearedas a man, to (hew that they had knowledge and underftanding, (as men have rea- fonable foules) and as a young man, to fet out their beauty, vigour, lirenth, &c. Seventhly, Seraphims, ¡fa.6. z, 6. which comes from an Heb.word that fignifies to burn : and they were fo called, either from this particular a& in toeching the Prophets lipswith aburning cole : or from their fervent zeale in executing the Will of God. Ei. hrhly, watchers: So Dan. q.. s 3, r7. and its attributed tò Angels. I. Becaufe of their nature, being (pints they are not fubje& todrowfinellà and ileepinefle : but wake and watchday ani night. z. Becauf of their office, which is alwayes CO beholdthe face of God, Mat. 1S. I o, and tobe ever ready todo his Will, Pfd. 503. zo. which requires watch- ing. 12 3.136" IV. V. VI. VII.