Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

tiChap.9 CHAP. IX. Qeflionc, and Cafes of Confcience about .Anger, Wrath, Pafon, Malice, Hatred,andRevenge. Quell. Via . ; +' ¿ Oro manyforts ofAnger ;'e there ? Anfw. Two. r. Good. z. Bad Quell. What is good Anger? Anfw. Its a difpleafure not again[} the perfon, but againll the fin ofour neighbour, or ofour felves: this anger being moderate, and joyned with corn- paffion is an holyanger : Commanded, Eph.4.2C Commended,zCor.7.II.Or, Its a difpleafure at that which Bands in our, way, and hinders good. Thus C}Ytofes was angry, Exod. r r. 8. Lev .to.16.Ó'e. O ett. What is bad e-Anger ? Anfw. Its a define to be revenged upon the perfonof our neighbour, either by wordsor deeds, threatned, Mar. 5. 22. Quell. Why is Angerplaced in theheart? Rape. Finn-, to be an Harbinger,or Ulher toprepare the way, for obtaining force good defired, and to remove the obfiacles that lie in the way. Secondly, to beas it were the hearts dagger for the defenceof love, defire,de, light,and hope. Quell. Howmuff we at Anger ? Anfw. Firff, agamll finas the open enemy, and grand Obllrueter of Gods glo- ry, and good to our felves, ''Ifa. 59.2. efpecially againit fin in ourfelves : and in thole that are near and dear tous. SoMofes, Exod. 3z. 19. Nehemiah,ch. 13. 17i21. Secondly, For the removal of the impediments of Gods glory, and our good. Thirdly, for the Reformation of the perfon, and the abufe. Quell. How may it be proved that there is agoodand lawful Anger ? Anfw. Firli, becaufe its attributed to God himfelf, Rom. r. 18. John 3. 36. Secondly, it was made by God, andwas in manbefore the fall. Thirdly, yea,it was in Chrift himfelfas man, (Attar. 3.5. cAtat. ¡0. 14. foh. 2. 15. Fourthly, many holy men inScripture arecommended for it, Exod. 16. 20. Aft. 8.zo. A5.7. 24. and 13.11,12. Neh.5.6. Fifthly, in true repentance theremutt be anger and revenge, 2Cor. 7.11. K 2 Sixthly II. I.