Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Quefiions,andCafea ofConfcience Chap., Sixthly, the Scripture commends it, Ecclef.7.3.and cdmmands ic, Ephef,4. 26. CiVlat. 5.22. Seventhly, there be juif eccafions for anger,and ifwe be not angry at them , we fail in our duty to God and man. Queft. When is anöer rightly ordered Anfw. When it's moved, quickned and guidedby faith , flirringup godly for row for fin in our felves or others, joyncdwith an holy and juft delire of re- venge, to the laving ofthe perfon, appealing of Gods anger , and promoting the Kin'dome of Chri,i. Holy anger mull have a juft and wet ,hty occafion : fo we read of cAlofes, he was angry , when contrary to the command of God CSYlann>.h was referved till the next morning , E eod. 16. 2o. when they tempted God in worfhipping the golden calf,Exod.z3.I9. WhenCorah, &c. rebelled, Numb.16.15.. The caufesof jua anger are, Firft, whenwe fee God di(honoured, and his glory defaced. So in Phin :as, Numb.25.7,8.and £lias,IKinö.19.11.. Secondly , when injury is unjuftly offered to our felves: For by Gods lawwe are bound toPeek theprefervatron ofour own good name , and elate. So in Paul, e.1Eh 23.z. and in Chrift, `john 15.23. But this gives no place ro private revenge, whenout of bitterneffe offpirit we Peek the hurt ofthem that wrong us. Forbidden, c l'Latth.5.39. Rom.12.17. yet whenwronged we may implore the aidof the Magif}race, yet without adelire to hurt him that wrongs us , as Luke i8.3. Thirdly, when injury is offeredto our brethren ; for by the 'law ofcharity we Fe bound to love them as our felves : fo in c 4'tofes , AIfs 7. 24. in David, 2S i..13.21. in Nehemiah, ch. 5.6. hence, Jamos 1.9. we are commanded to be flow to anger : For the objet ofholy anger is fin,not the perfon : fo in David, Jeremy,,11. Quefl. what are the properties of holyanger ? Anfu. Firft, It mu4 begin at home : we mull be molt angry with our own finnes. Secondly, it muftbe mixed with love : God himfelf in wrath remembers mercy, Bab. 3. 1, 2. So in Mofes, he prays for thofe withwhom he wasan,,ry , Exed. 32. 31, &c Thirdly,anger for an offencemuff be mixed with forrow for the offence. So in Chrir+, LMark535. HenceGal.6.i. Fourthly, we muli Chew Chrifiian modefly in our anger , by abftaining from malicious fpeeches, and unjuft a&ions : So in Michael, Jude9. Fifthly, We mull obferve a due decorum , and fit rcfpeet in it, and that, 1. In regard of our felves, we muli have refpeel to our place and calling, : AMagiftrate muff ¡hew his anger,not only in countenance and wòrds, but in his ae}ions alfo : and fomull a father,the contrary was Eli's fn ; but a private perfon mutt only thew it in countenance andwords. 2. The offendersare not tobe ufed all. alike : Amean man mull, not (hew' his anger to a noble man , or Magifirate as he may CO his equal ; the fonae mull not ¡hewhis anger to his fatheras the fathermay to the fon. Motes, a Ma- gifirate ufeth the fword, Exod.32.27. John Baptifl, aMinifter , ufeth only the fword ofthe Spirit, Matth.3.7. 3ácob a private man towards Laban, ufethon- ly mild and gentle admonitions, Gen.3 1.36. Tonathanby riling from the Table, and going out, 1 Sam,.2o.34. The three children in humbleand refpe&ivewords' to the King,Dan.3.i6. Paul the like toFe/us, aidAgrippa, Ads25. to, 11. and 26.25i29. Sixthly, it mull be contained `within the bounds of our particular cal- lings,