Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

74 Quefilions,and Cafes of Conscience Chap.9 doth , though tending to his own prejudice , and to his adverfaries ad- va ntage. Fourthly, confider the highaccount the Lord makes of a heart well fortified, and purged ftotn this bafepallion, `Prov.23,26. God calls for the heart , t, e. a heart well drained from finful affe6tions ; and a Chriflian may fetch a furer e- vidence of his fpiritual efiate from his reformation herein , then from any particular duty to the affirmative Commandments of the mo.all Lawe. Obje&. But I am cho11.-richi by nature andcannot expel it ? A,Pi. This excufe is nobettet then Adams fib leafe to hide the nakedneffe of thy fin. It will not excufe us before a temporal Judge w fay , we are prone by nature to fuch a fin : much lefle beforeGod,God gave us not fuch a nature, but it comes from originalfin, therefore wemutt not excufe one fin with an- other ; and what ferves grace for but to reforme nature. If thou beef} rege- nerate by the Holy Ghoß, he makes of a Leopard a Lan.b, &c. Lay I I. 6, j., Object. Though I be fomewhat hot for the time , yet it's quick- ly gon' ? nfie. Ecclef. 7. 9. Be not of an hafty fpirit , for anger refis in the bo- feme offools : Many are the mifchiefs of fudden anger : as it begins withota fon , fo it ends without fhame , and repentance: Gods children should refemble their heavenly father, who is flow to anger, Exodus 34. 6, 7 Objc&. I fay nothing in my paffion what would you have me doe? Anfw. Concealed anger,(if nourifhed inthe heart , and hidden to have a better opportunity for revenge, or being diffembledfor credits fake) is worfe then profeffed anger. Firft, in refpe&of theparty that is angry, becaufe turbu- lent affe&ions kept in, torment the more, like a raging fire that bath no vent, or a violent ßreame that is flopped. Secondly, in refpe& of the person withwhom we are angry ; becaufe it makes him Idle wary , and more fecure . Hence a fecret enemy is more dangerous then a profeffed enemy : Prov. 12. ao. and 14. 17. as we fee in Caine, Gen. 4. 8. In cflb- folon , a Sam. 13. 22, 23. in foab, z Sam. 20. 9. in Judas, Luke 22. 47. Obje&. But he bath often offendedme ; I can bear no longer. Anfs'. Love covers a multitude offins, Prov. 11. 12. we mull forgive to seven- ty times (even times , (-Mat. 18. 22. as David did to Sae.l; Jofeph to his bre- thren. Obje&. But except Godgive sae thegift ofpatience we can never pot up injuries contentedly ? Anfw. Such wouldhave God do all, and will do nothing rhemfelves: For if they fiacercly defired the grace of patience, they would ufe Gods meanes to get it. Quell. But by what meant is corrupt anger to be fubdued , and mor- tified ? e/Infw. Firft, faith , as it moderates all pallions , fo this of finful an- ger: and that 1 By f}amping Gods image of goodneffe, patience, and lon;fuffering up- on the foul : A man cannot have fellowthip withGodby faith, but he fhall be like him : Faith teaches us to imitate our heavenly father, as Exod. 34. 6. Pfa1.1 o3.8,9. fee his longfuffering, I Per. 3.19,20. Ez tk 4.s. therefore Col. z 1 z. Look upon Chills example, and imitate him. a. By acknowledging the providenceof God, without which the leaf+ ;;Jury could.' IV.