Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.9 about nger, Wrath, Malice, &c. could not befal us : the leaf being a portionof that cup which Gods hand reacheth out to us : So in Job, chap. i, si. in fofeph,Gen. 5o. zo. in David, z Sam.i6. to,' r. This perfwafion that all our fufferings come from God, is a forcible motive to patience .For It i then olurafins defved,fbeing but all ht andmmentany : juft therefore to admire Gods goodneife in fuchgentle rods , rather then to be angry at them. 2. It teacheth that the manner of Gods dealing is exceeding tender , and compaffionate, pfd. z ç. io. when we deferve ro be cal intohell fire , he Both onely lop and prune to make us more fruitful,therefore we havemore caufe to be thankful then tobe offended. 3. It thews that God in his infinite wifdomewill difpofe of every thing for our good , as he bath promifed, Rom. 8. z8. why then fhould we be an- gry , feeing God will turn the injuries of men intoblefhings? fay therefore with Chritl, Iohn i8.i r. (hall Inot dri nk,of the cup, &c. 4. It acknowledgeth the prefent courfe that God tak:rh to be belt , and mof behooful for us : For God is wifeft, and his prefcriptions mof fafe and healthful : we have therefore no reafon to be angry unleffe we will fight a- gain(1 God. 3. It looks up to Chrift, and imprints the vertuesofhis death upon the foul : He that believes in Chrif crucified, is made like unto Chrilt in love , meek- neffe , and all other graces that he manifeled in his death. For it thus plead eth ; Chrifendured fcoffs, reproaches, railings, revilings, buffetings,fcourgtngs, yea, and death it felt: not for any demerit of hisbut for our fakes; and (hall we grudgeto fuffer fmall injuries frommenat ourSaviour Chrils requel, feeing we have far greater ? q.. It fubmits to theabfolute fovereignty of the Lord , and will not encroach uponhis Prerogative Royal : Now all revenge is Gods right , and he bath not given it toman, Rom. 52.19. A private man in the Common -wealth may not ufurp the place of a Judge,nor a fervant of a Maier : much leffe may a Chriflian,by revenging" his own quarrel in word or deed, intrude himfelf into Gods office. 5. Faith works humility, and lowlineffe, andbaniiheth feif-love, and pride: For it minds a man of his fin , and the defert thereof : and that whatfoever good he enjoys, he holdsas an aimes ofgrace ; whatfoever he fuffers, he ac- knowledgeth leffe then hisdefert, and a jutt chaftilement of lovesand therefore is patient. 6. It raifeththe heart to anearnel delire of fpiritual things, and treadeth under feet all vaine and tranfitory things, and therefore a believer is not much difquieted when he is croffed in them. As the upper region of the aire is not molefed with winde, raine, haile, &c. fo a heavenly minded Chrilian is lifted up far above there fublunary things , and cannot be afi&ed with them. 7. Faith begets foundneffe offpirit, and Chrilian hardineffe : But a found mind is not cagily dilurbed with wrongs that arc offered, nomore then found flefh is when handled. 8. It feeks the approbation ofGod, but is not vainly inquifitìve what others think, or fpeak, or do ; whereas he that bafely enquireth what is faìd again( him in every company , difquiets himfelf with anger, andmakes his faults more publick. g. It acquaints us with the common frailties ofall man-kinde ; dîfcovers the filthineffe of original (inne which hath infe&ed all the fons of Adam : It puts us in mindehow oftenwehave provokedGod, and offended our brethren , the L 2 rematti- 75