Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

zio 1V. V. Quefiicns,andCafes ofConffence Chap. I3 enGvnes of pride, wantonneffe, and the lightnefe of the women, as appears, v. 16. Ob. But I Tim. z.9. I Pet. 3. 3. the Apoftles forbid the we,.ring ofgold, or coftly ¿Apparel ? Anfar. In thefe texts the Apoftles do not fimply forbid the wearing of fuch things, but the abufe of them in riot and excefle, direaing their fpeeches towo- men, who it feems were excetìïve in adorning their outward man, and negfe6ted the inward ornaments of modefty and humility , the chief ornaments of Chritlians. Hence i 7 im. 2. 9, to. I ?et. 3.4. the latter are chiefly com- mended. ucf}, What are thofe cautions to be obfrie4 in ufing thefe. orna- ments ? Anfw. Firft, they muff be ufed Sparingly, and with moderation, according to the rank, place and calling wherein God path fet us, and the example of the gravel+ andgodly perfons of our own rank and place, Dan. 5. 16,17, 29. with Mat. 11.8. Secondly, they mull not be ufed ahv.ayes alike ; but according to the times and feafons, Jer. 2.32. Luke 16.19. It was the rich mans fault toweare them e- very day. Thirdly, theymutt be ufed to a tight end ; not to get honour and efleem a- mong(i men : much letfe to inveigle others, (as the harlot did, Prov. 7.7 o, s 6.) but to the honouringof thebody, that therein God maybe honoured, G. n.24. 15. I Cor. 12.23. I MT. 4.4. Qucfl. How do menand womenfn in their Apparel ? Anf.Firtl,Whenthey weare firange fafhions and guifes: threatened even inKings children, Zeph. 1. 9. the general rule is, whatfoever thingsare ofgood report, thefe do, Phil. 4. ä. Secondly, Whenwith their Apparel, they cover not theirnakednefàe, but as having put offall frame, they difcover thofe parts which modef}n requires to be covered. Thirdly, when they have their Apparel fo made, as disfits them for employ- ment, andmakes themlike pl sures in a frame, you cannot fir one part ex- cept you firall : they can fcarce feed themfelves : Solomons good Huswife was not fo clothed, Prov.31.1z, &c. Fourthly, when by their Apparel they confound Sexes : forbidder'', Matt- 22. 5. Fifthly, when they weare any garment in religious or civil employments to the fcandal and offence of their brethren. Sixthly, when they prank up themfelves beyond their calling, elate, and de- gree. Seventhly, when theydif+inguifh notbetween times of mourning and rejoyc- ing : whereas the like garmentsare not fit for all feafons. QucR. VYhat are theproper ufes of Apparel? Anfro. Firft, to cover our nakedneffe, and to hide our corporal Chame and de- fe1s. Secondly, to defend our bodies from the injury of winde and weather, both of the Summersheat, and the Winters cold. Hence Garments, duaf Gardments. Thirdly, topreferve and cherith natural heat and life, which otherwife would fpend too fat+, What (hallwe fay then to thofe that make them the enfignes of vanity, and incentives to luf+and luxury ? whence elfe arc thofe bushes of haire andperi- wigs, thofe frizlings, crifpings, curlings, powdtinos, paintings,parchings and fpot- rings, efpecially of women faces ? What are the toyes theycall fancies ? Are they_