Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. i 3 about Apparel. they not fuch as an oldWriter calls Stns ingenia, the devils fancies? whereas there is nothin ; more foolifh, did we rightlyconfider it, then to fhevvpride in garments, which are indeed the enfignes of our fhame ; as if the Thieffhould be proud ofhis hal Let : They a,ecalled by a word in the Hebrew, which dgni- fies perfidioufnefe, as being tokens of our Ferfidious dealing with God : when asat fir man was naked, andyet nor afhamed : They are but coverings of this vile body,, Phil. 3. 21. oras it is in the Greek, TheBody of our Humiliation : fuch as we cannot think of without humbling our foulesfor the intemperance, and uncleanneffeof it. And muff our pride break forth in decking, fuch a body ? The Apoflle fairh,Aym.8.5o.the body is dead becaufe offn:fure thena courlèhair cloth may bell become a dead Corpfe. See Elton on the Commandments. Quell. VTrhat is further to be conlidered in theufc of Apparel? flnfw. Firff, the preparation of it tobe worne. Secondly, the wearingof it when it is p; epared. Quef?. I7Vhat Rules are to be obfcrved in thepreparing of it ? Il. Anfw. Our care for apparel and bodily ornaments is w be very moderate, Mat. 6, 28, &c. I7im. 6. 8. Quefl. How fhall we know what is necefary ? AO. A thin.; i neceffary twowayes. Finit, in refpeet of nature, for the prefervarion oflife and health. Secondly, in refpe& of our place, calling and condition, for upholding the II. credit of ir. Now thats neceffary raiment which is neceffary both thefe wayes. Quell. Who flall judge what is iviceffary for perfons of every condi- tion ? eAnfw. Firfl, vain and curious perlons arenot competentJudges : but the I examples ofgrave, modelt, and frugal perfons in every order andctlate, whoby their knowledge and experience are belt able determine it. Secondly, though we muff not leek for mre then neceffary Apparel, yet if II. Godof his goodneffe give us more, we mull receive it thankfully, andufe it to the good exampleof others. Ob. But fohn Baptifl faith, we mull not haveabove one coat ? Aufw. His meaning muff needs be, that he that hath not only neceffary rai- ment but fuperfuity ; muff rive of his abundance unto them that want. Chrifl himfelthad two coats, andSt. Paul a coat and a cloak. z. ule : All Apparel muff be fitted to the body, in a comely and decent manner, as becomes holineffe, Tit.2.3. Quell'. How (hall this be done ? Anfm. By obierving thefe five rules. Firfl, it muttbe according to the fex both for men and women, Deut.22.5. which isnot a ceremonial Law, butgrounded upon the Lawof nature, and com- monhorsefly. Secondly, our Apparel mutt be fuited to our callings, that it may nothinder nor difable us in the performance of the duties thereof. This jufily condemns II. the Apparel, (efpecially of women and maid-fervants) which lets them, as it were, in a frame, that they cannot with cafe and conveniency do their buh- neffes whiled they have it on. Thirdly, our Apparel muff be fuited to our meanes, that fo we may beable to III. maintain our families, and relieve thepoor. Fourthly, it muff be anfwerable to our eflate,and dignity, for diffindlion of IV. order, and degrees in the focietyof men, when fofeph was fet over the land ofEgypt, he was arrayed in fine linnenwith a chain of gold about his neck , Gex. 45.42. So7udg.5.3o. Mat. Is. 8. the contrary brings great confusion, and overthrows the order whichGod hath fet in the flares and conditions of men. Fifthly,