Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

il The Table. VVhat i s the manner ofAdoptionbegunhere in this world ? 8. What are the benefits,and comforts that flow to usfrom hence? ibid. How may weknowour Adoption? ibid. What duties are we taught from the confideration of our eAdop- tion ? 9. What are the means of our Adoption, both internali, and exter- nail ? ibid. What are the marks of the inward Baptifine ? ibid. Flow may the milreryofourAdoption be conceived of? ibid. How may the gloryof our Adoption appear to be fo great ? ibid. What kind of perlons muff we beto attain to this Adoption? Io. What are the marks whereby we may know our (elves to be Adopt. ed by God? ix. How mull the AdoptedChildren of God carry themfelves here? ib. What may we doe to attain the Spirit ofddoption,and to keep the live- ly fenfe ofit in our fouls ? ibid. Whatare the fignes that we have the Spirit ofAdoption? ibid. How may we preferve the witneffe of the Spirit of Adopti- on? ibid. What is Adoration? What are the principali grounds ofit in theheart ? Howmanifold isAdoration? 'VVhat is Religious Adoration , and what is to it? CJIAP. IV. About Adoration, or worJbip. r3: ibid ibid. be confiderd in ibid. VVhat is civili adoration, and what is tobe confidered in it ? ib. To what thingsAdoration is due, and in what manner ? ibid. What Adoration is due to God, andwhat Caveats are to be retttem- bred therein ? and why? 14. 3 Objefl. But I intend nut to worfhip the image , but God there- in ? ibid. objefl. God was worfhippedbefore the Ark ? andSubjets kneele be- foré theChaire ofState ? ibid. What vermesare required in Religious Adoration? ibid. What Adoration isdue to theCreatures ? , ibid. Whether any be due to the evill Spirits ? what is due to good An- gels, and to men ? 15. May not Religious, or mixt adorationbe given to them ? ibid. What Adoration is due to the Saints departed ? ibid. Whether any Adoration belongs to the unreafonable Creatures,-or to theworks ofthe Creatures , as to images, &c. ibid. CHAP.