Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

The Table. CHAP. V. About Adultery. What Adultery is, and-whether when the man,or Wife commit Adal- levy, the bondof marriage is diffolved ? 17 How tentations to Adultery may be prevented, and withftood ? 18 Bywhat means mayweprefery e our chaftity ? 19. CHAP. VI, About Affeílions, or Paffions. Howmany kinds of Af fetiions be there, and what are fenfuall a&elli- o&? 21. Whether feufitive Affeflions are to bee abandoned, or only mode- rated ?. ibid. are the rational! elf feRions ? How may it be proved that there are AffeElions inthe higheft part ofthe foule ? 22. How it maybe proved that thefe rationall offeEliors are motions ofie will ? Are thefe fo elevated above the body, that they have nothing t do with it ? Why mutt our AP -lions be carefully lookedto ,and ordered according to Gods VVord ? 23. Howmay we know to what P.,ffius weare molI inclined ? ibid. By what cigrees are the Affeflioas wrought on ? Why wicked mens Affeai3ßs may be farre wrought on , and yet come fhort ? 25. How (hail wee know whether wee are rightly (ffe?ed tow rIs thrift ? Whywe should be careful! to have our AffelJiors let right ? 26. How to prove thatAffec ions in themfeives arcnot finfull ? 27. How are unmortifiedPaff ions to be fubdued ? -ibid. How may Affeílions be divided ? Whereinconfifts thefandifiedmade ofthofe Affeflions which ibid. theirObject ? What may move us to af f e l that which isgood ? 29. Is it not mercenary to ferve God upon hope of reward ? ibid. Wherein ftands the fan&ified exercìfe of thofe affeRio6s that fly from their Obje& ? ibid. What may moveus to fhun that which is evil! ? ibid. Irisnot fervile to forgoe fin for fear of ,punifhment ? 3o. May theElate of our foules be difcerned by our offeEions ? ibid. ¡Why are our Affeflions oft fo flat , when our judgements are con- ibid. I vincéd ? VVhat