Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

7-herable. Whereinefpecially Both their duty confrfl, that they may finde this comfort ? ib. Whether children should be taught theScriptures r 258. How mutt children manifeft their reverence to their Parents? ib. Whether we may call any uponEarth Father ? ib. VVhat if children be more wealthy, and honorable then their Pa- rents r ib. Whether children fhould ask their Parents bleffing ? ib. Obje&ionsagainft it Anfwered. 259. VVhat other duties doe children owe tó their Parents ? ib. VViterein conflits their obedience ? ib. Wherein their Parents content is neceffary ? ib. Why mull Parents contentbe had in their marriages ? 26o. Whatif theyurge them to marry fuch as they cannot love ? ib. VVhat if they negle6t to provide them matches in due time ? ib. ib. Other cafes about their marriage Anfwered ? Wherein confills Childrens a&ive obedience to theirParents ? 26r. What if Parents miftake inmatters reproved, may not a childe make anfwer ? ib. What is the extent ofchildrens obedience to Parents ? ib. If children yield better reafon, may theynot refufe to obey ? ib. What is further required of children to their Parents, and what rules therein? 262. What duties doe children owe to theirParents after death ? ib. 1-ibwmull children perform all duties to their Parents ? 263. I Muft equall refpcdt be (hewed toboth Parents ? ib. Whether the Father mull be preferredbefore the Mother ? ib. What ifone commands what the other forbids ? ib. Whether Stepfathers in Lawmull be obeyed ? ib- Obje&ions Anfwered. ib. Mult children be fubje& to Guardians, and Tutors ? 2 64. VVhat arguments maymove children tobe fubje6 to their Parents ? ib. 'What if children be grown in years, and not under their Parents Go- vernment ? ib. ' Whether are many children a bleffing ? ib. May Parents make void a Contrail made by their children , without or againfl their content ? ib. Whether is marriage made without Parents content valid ? ib. VVhat Rules mull Parentsobferve in giving names to their children? ib. Who are too curious herein ? ib. Who are too carelefs ? 265. Whymull there be fuch care had in naming them? ib. When is it fittellto give names to our children? ib. How far are children that are married , or called to publick Offices bound to obey their Parents ? ib. VVhat generali Rules are there to obferve in obeying theirParents ? ib. s CHAP.