Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

The Table. CHAP. XXIX. eXbout Chrift. What are we toconceive ofthe IncarnationofGhrift? 267. Howmay this knot be untied ? ib. Howmay we underftand it ? ib. What is further to be confidered about it ? 268. What is the nature that is affumed bythe Son ofGod ? ib. What isfurther confiderable about Chrift ? ib: What elfe ? 269: What are the parts of Chri.FïsPrieftlyOffice ? Whymuff: Chtißß be a propitiation for our fins ? ib. What fatisfaCtion did Cbrift as our furety bind himfelf to per- form ? 270. What was the principali debt ? ib. Whymuff he be man ? ib. Whymuff he beGod ? ib Howmay that appear ? What other debt were we liable to which wethug difcharge ? 271. Whymuff Chrebe more then man ? 272. How is the Redemption purchafed by Cbrift conveyed to us ? ib. What elfe is required ? 373. Howmay this Myflery be further opened ? i6. What is further to be conftdered herein ? 274, What are thebonds of this Myfticall unionbetwixt Chrift and us? ib. What is further to beconfidered in Chrift ? ib. What is confiderable about ChriHs KinglyOffice ? 275i What are the fpeciall branches ofthe Kingdom ofCbri(t ? ib. HowBoth hework this upon earth ? ib. HowBoth he exercifehis Kingly Office towards the Church Trium= ib. 276. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 277. ib. i6. 278, ib. phant? Whendoth Chri(t firif live in a Chrifliansheart? why mull Chrift be Emmanuel, God with man?. VVhymull thisGodand Man be onePerlon ? How doch Ch;./f1 make us friends with God e 1 How (hall I know that this Emmanuel is God withme ? VVhat benefits have we by Gods taking our natureupon him? Nowcould the deathofone fatisfie for fomany millions? How lothfriendfhip between God andus arife fromhence ? How (hall we knowthat we have comfort in this Emmanuel ? whether is Chri 1 God, Peeinghe faith hispoweris givenhim ? wherein confi(ls the powerofChrift ? wherein doth Chriffs dominion over all, efpecially the Church ap- pear ? ib. IfChri(f.hàthall power, why is theTurk andPope fo prevalent ? 279. I c 2 why