Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

The Table. Whenmay we not fly e ib. Whether being imprifoned, maywe break prifon ifwecane ib. CHAP. XL. about Confeffion of Sin. Is confef ion offin a neceffary duty e 396 Maynot awicked man confefs hisfins ? How then (hall we diffinguifh fuch from the confeffons of the godly ? . ib VVhymuff we remember, and confefs ourfins ? 39 b Mutt we confefs in particular ? ib. VVbymuff we do it ? ib Is it aduty to confefs to man ? b. Inwhat ca fes muff this be done ? Muff we confefs every fin toothers? 393. ib. To whom niuff we confefs ourfaults ? ib. But hereby we may lie under a blot ? ib. In what manner muff we confefs to men ? VVhy arcwe fobackward to confefs our fins ? 394. VVhy fhould we confefi it, acing its not to be named arnongf Saints r CHAP. XLÍ. Aboutcarnal confidence. What Carnal confidence is forbidden ? 395. What are the reafons againftit,: ib. Why arewenaturally foprone to it:* ib. Why are we fo taken up with it ? How (hall we know our confidence tobe carnal ? 3g ib. Howmay we prevent, or cure it? 6. . What is confidence ? What is the onely fubje6f proper for amans confidence ? ib. CHAP. LXIÍ. about the Confliabetween thefiefh and Spirit. flowwill it appear that there is fuch a Confliii in every regenerate prrfon ? 7 What is this Spirituali confliíf 1: . ib. What are the caufes ofit e Why dothnot God perfectour fanCtific tionat thefirff? Hb.