Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

TheTable. How cloth it make for Godsglory s ib. \I-low is it profitable for our good e 398. What are theeffentiall caufes of this cónfliE3 ? 399. How then are we freedout of our miferable conditions 400. What is the formal caufe of thisconfliEl s ib. How can fuch utter enemies 4well together without deffroying eachother ? 401. VVhat is thiscombate, and the manner ofit ? ib. What doth thefiefhaime at inluffing againft the Spirit ? ib. VVhat is the manner of this cenfliu in the feverall faculties of the foulee 402. Mathnot the Church a promife tobeguided into all truth? 403 What is this conflia in the affeétions,and fenfual appetite ? 4o5. VVhat are the effeas of this confliEl between the Flefh and Spi- rit? 406. VVhat effects doth it produce in the will, and delires "? ib. What in theaefions, andworks id. Howfhall we diffinguifh between the fightin the Unregenerate, ` and regenerate? 407. Whether is this conflict in every regenerate perfon a 410. VVhat are we to think of Infants, and Idiots a ib. 'Whether is it in all alike manner,and meafure a ib. Is it not fometimes weak inthong Chriflians? ib. What is the fuccefs of this conflict between the flefh and Spirits 41r. What is confiderable aboutthe foilswhich the spirit fometimes fuf- fers ? ib. How farmay the flefh prevaile againftthe Spirit? ib. May not truePaving grace,be utterly loft, at leaft fora times 4r2. Havenot fomeofthe Saints loft degreesoftheir graces, as David, Pe- ter,&c? 413. VVillnot this Doétrine ofPerfeverance imbolden to fecurity e ib. What elfe is confiderablein the fuccefsofthis conflict ? ib. Ilow is it that fome EminentProfeffors quite fallaway ? ib. What may encourage us in this conflictagainít the Flefh ? 4.14. VVhat maymoveus to fet upon this enemy ? ib. what marlsmay webeenabled toovercome it ?. Al 5. VVhat Rules muffwe obferve for this ende ib. What tends to theweakening ofthe flefh ? ib. What pafl'ages muff we lop to keep back provifion from the Flefh? ' 416. What fins do molt ffrengthenthe flefh, which we muff chiefly watch ,againft ib. Is it enough to reffrain the flefh from things unlawful e 417- YVhat other extream is to beavoided.? ; ib. lowelfe may the Flefhbe fubdued ? iÌ. Withwhat weaponsmuf .wt : fight Againstit t,', . Now